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Speaker 4 Speaker 3 Speaker 2 Speaker 5 Speaker 1 lost touch sense humour her company in common kept touch.

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3 Speaker 4 Speaker 3 Speaker 2 Speaker 5 Speaker 1 lost touch sense humour her company in common kept touch




7 Every day. Louise lives in London and Juanita in Vancover, Canada. The “new social trend” is making friends on the internet. By being invited by their real friends. You can meet without going out to parties. They are both doing photography courses. Because she thinks it´s not easy to do so in today´s society. Everyone in the world is connected by no more than six degrees of separation.


9 3 4 5 2 1

10 Are you reading doesn´t work need Do you want don´t have are you living Do you understand are you thinking don´t want hate am staying


12 What do you do? What are you doing at work/school at the moment? How often do you go out with friends? What do you like doing? What films do you like watching? What do you usually do at the weekends? Are you reading a good book at the moment? Are you playing (watching) any sports these days? Why are you studying English this year? Are you doing any other courses at the moment?


14 1. an 2. come 3. think 4. am 6. share 7. to 8. goes 10. finish 9. studying


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