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Dignity, wellbeing and the general practitioner.

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Presentation on theme: "Dignity, wellbeing and the general practitioner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dignity, wellbeing and the general practitioner.

2 Dr Elisabeth Alton Clinical Lead Safeguarding Adults


4 General practitioners should be key as often they are the only professional in contact with the individual

5 Including treatment of the individual with respect
Personal Dignity Including treatment of the individual with respect

6 Doctor patient relationship
No standard texts cover elderly or those with cognitive impairment Small amount of primary research Training

7 Adelman, Greene and Charon
'There is reason to believe that the doctor-elderly patient relationship differs substantively from the doctor-young patient relationship and must be studied as a unique sub-set of medical encounter' Adelman, Greene and Charon

8 Why are these consultations different?
Triadic in nature Cognitive impairment Depersonalisation

9 Capacity assessment Best Interest process

10 'Physical and mental health and emotional well-being'
Increase in protocol driven guidelines Risk of loosing patient centred care Loss of empathy (Derksen 2016)

11 'Control by the individual over day-to-day life’
Care Act 2014 S1

12 He must, so far as reasonably practicable, permit and encourage the person to participate, as fully as possible in any act done for him and any decision affecting him. MCA S4 ss4

13 'Protection from abuse and neglect'
Care Act 2014 section 1 s/s 2

14 Named GP for Adult Safeguarding Appointed May 2014
Virtually no education tailored for primary care Neither RCGP/GMC any relevant information No professional network for safeguarding adult doctors BMA did have information re MCA/Adult Safeguarding

15 No inter-collegiate guidelines for Safeguarding Adults
February 2015 'Themes and Lessons Learnt from NHS investigations into matters relating to Jimmy Savile' Kate Lampard Ed Marsden

16 Post commenced July 2016 Initially funded one year by NHSE One day a week

17 Objectives To produce an online toolkit accessible to anyone in the UK
To produce an online e-learning package To organise a days safeguarding event at the RCGP in London

18 Online Toolkit Available freely to anyone by June 2017
Mixture of specifically written resources and links to other websites Sample policies and audit tool

19 E learning modules Available to anyone working within primary care
4 agreed modules Introduction to safeguarding A case using the MCA as the learning process A case were a colleague is the abuser A case situated within a care home

20 Study Day in April Includes both children's and adult safeguarding
Morning issues affecting both adults and children Afternoon splitting into adult and children specific topics

21 Knowledge leads to empowerment and confidence which is better for the GP and therefore better for the patient.

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