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Https:// 1613 Mapping SIG face-to-face meeting October 24, 2016 The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

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Presentation on theme: "Https:// 1613 Mapping SIG face-to-face meeting October 24, 2016 The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa"— Presentation transcript:

1 1613
Mapping SIG face-to-face meeting October 24, The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

2 Quarter 1 Rangimarie 3 09:30 Welcome and Conflicts of Interest (DM) Introductions (notes – recording underway) 09:45 Tracking Quality Report (IHTSDO Content Mapping Service) (KG) 10:05 General Report (IHTSDO Content Mapping Service) (DM) 10:15 Update on tooling enhancements (BC) 10:30 Tea/Coffee break

3 Quarter 2 Rangimarie 3 11:00 Mapping of ICD-10 to SNOMED CT- a discussion (GT) 11:45 Guidance and best practice principles for mapping local content (DM) 12:15 Open discussion 12:30 Lunch break

4 Quarter 3 Rangimarie 3 13:30 Future direction of Special Interest Groups (JM) 14:00 Harmonisation with WHO and other Collaboration activities (JM) 14:15 Mapping to Gene/Protein Ontologies for personalized medicine (JRC) 15:30 Tea/Coffee break

5 Quarter 4 Ranigimarie 3 16:00 Discussion about version of ICD-10 used in maps (particularly where there are modifications in use) (GT/KWF) 16:20 Importance of mapping principles: an overview of those employed when mapping SNOMED CT to ICD-10 (DM/KG) 16:45 Plenary slide 17:00 Close

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