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St George’s Church of England Primary School
Welcome Year 1 Mrs Pattinson & Mrs Fleming St George’s Church of England Primary School Who I am?
How we are working Class teacher – Mrs Pattinson & Mrs Fleming
PE coaches – Mr Gibson (coach) Teaching Assistants – Mrs Evans and Mrs Clarke
Core subjects Maths Literacy
Maths Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division Fractions Geometry 7 areas of mathematics which children will cover over the year. Number and place value – learning what digits represent and identifying and recognising numbers as different representations rather than just identifying the digit. Addition and subtraction – uses place value knowledge previously learnt to move onto simple column addition and subtraction using lots of practical equipment. Multiplication and division – learning times tables (2, 5, 10 – something to practice at home) Geometry – Identifying and recognising different shapes and their properties. Fractions – simple fractions such as ½ and ¼ again using lots of practical equipment. Measurement – involves reading the time (o’clock and half past – again something to practice at home) also days of the week and months of the year. Position and direction – using positional language e.g. forwards, backwards, left, right, under, above etc. Measurement Position and direction
Maths Pupils should: Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards from any number. Read and write numbers to 20 in digits and words. Read and write numbers to 100 in digits. Say 1 more and 1 less than numbers to 100. Count in multiples of 1, 2, 5 and 10. Know bonds to 10 by heart. Use bonds and subtraction facts to 20. Add and subtract: 1 digit and 2 digit numbers to 20, including zero. Add any three 1-digit numbers with a total up to 20. Solve simple multiplication and division with apparatus and arrays. Recognise half and quarter of objects, shapes or quantity. Sequence events in order. Know months of the year in order. Use language of day, week, month and year. Know o’clock and half past using analogue clock. Recognise all coins: £1; 50p; 20p; 10p; and 1p Recognise and name the 2D shapes: circle; triangle; square and oblong Recognise and name the 3D shapes: cube; sphere; cuboid Name the days of the week and months of the year
Literacy Phonics is taught daily and children have guided reading and reading activities matched to their increasing phonics knowledge. Know all speed sounds for 44 graphemes-See homework diaries. Read words with more than one syllable e.g. pancake Year One phonics Screening Check will take place in June. Phonics screening consists of 40 real and made up words known as alien words to read. Children have lots of practice of alien words during daily phonics sessions. We complete the phonics screening in school. Children re-take in Year 2 if not passed during year one.
Literacy In reading pupils should:
Identify which words appear again and again. Relate reading to own experiences. Re-read to correct if reading does not make sense. Re-tell with considerable accuracy. Discuss significance of title and events. Make predictions on basis of what has been read. Make inferences on basis of what is said and done. Read with pace and expression, pause at full stop; raise voice for question. Know difference between fiction and non fiction texts. Using phonics knowledge to read unfamiliar words. Moving to fluent reading. Discussing stories, events and characters. Exploring different text types including poetry.
Literacy • In writing pupils should:
Read and write the capital letter for each letter of the alphabet. Write sentences that start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Use ‘and’ to join ideas. Use conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. so, but). Use tense correctly eg ‘went’ not ‘goed’. In writing, show evidence of; full stops, question marks, exclamation marks. Use capital letters for names and personal pronoun ‘I’. Write clearly sequenced sentences. Correct formation of capital and lower case – starting and finishing in right place. Correct formation of digits. Sentence structure and punctuation · write simple sentences independently to communicate meaning · use capital letters and full stops when punctuating simple sentences Word structure and spelling · break up sounds in order to spell longer words · use knowledge of related words in spelling new word spell y1 keywords – spellings sent home will relate to these year one key words. Objectives will be taught through variety of text types e.g. instructions, recounts, narritive.
Topics Term 1 Incredible me! Term 2 Castles and Knights. Term 3
Penguins and parrots. Term 4 Dangerous dinosaurs. Term 5 Jack and the frogspawn. Term 6 Journeys
Homework Little and often
Reading – phonics and reading book daily (books changed twice a week) Homework diaries Spellings - tested on a Tuesday Homework book – due in every Wednesday Library books – free choice Espresso – Website: Username: student19951 Password: george5 Reading books changed Monday and Thursday. Please sign in the diary and leave a comment if possible. Spellings – will be tested every week and new spellings given out each week. Homework book – will contain a mental maths target to learn and a more structured piece of maths or english homework linked to their learning in class.
Parental support Support with homework activities
Listen to your child read regularly Sign homework diary Any help with school trips is greatly appreciated Remind your child to bring their book bag daily and PE kits to school
What’s coming up? Parents evening - Thursday 12th October and Monday 16th October both 4pm – 6:30pm. Harvest Festival – Wednesday 4th October, 10:30am at St Georges Church.
Espresso website: Username: student19951
Password: george If there is a problem no matter how small please come and see me.
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