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Honors English I Vocabulary

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1 Honors English I Vocabulary
Lesson 19: Roots –Sent- and –path-

2 Apathy (noun) a. Lack of feeling or emotion; impassiveness b. Lack of interest in things generally found exciting, interesting, or moving; indifference Example: This week’s editorial focuses on the public’s apathy to many urgent and safety problems.

3 Assent (noun) Acceptance, as of a proposal or statement; compliance.
(intrans verb) To agree to something, especially after thoughtful consideration Example: The architect needed her client’s assent before making expensive structural modifications.

4 Empathy (noun) a. Understanding, concerned identification with another’s situation or feelings b. The attribution of one’s own feelings to an object Example: The author did an excellent job of creating empathy for the villain.

5 Pathetic (adjective) a. Expressing or arousing pity, sympathy, or tenderness; sad b. Distressing and inadequate Example: The weak and pathetic cries for help finally attracted the attention of a pedestrian.

6 Pathology (noun) a. The scientific and medical study of a disease, its causes, its processes, and its effects b. The physical changes in the body and its functioning as a result of disease or disorder Example: My cousin did a five-year residency in pathology after finishing his internship.

7 Presentiment (noun) A sense of something about to occur; premonition; foreboding Example: Grandmother awoke the morning of the accident with a presentiment of danger.

8 Sensational (adjective)
a. Arousing great interest or excitement b. Designed to shock or thrill spectators or readers c. Outstanding; spectacular Example: Helen hasn’t stopped talking about the outfielder’s sensational catch in last night’s game.

9 Sensibility (noun) a. The ability to feel, sense, or perceive; mental or emotional responsiveness toward something b. Refined awareness and appreciation in matters of feeling and perception Example: His loud clothing and bizarre hair style offended his grandparents’ sensibilities.

10 Sententious (adjective)
a. Inclined to give advice in a self-righteous way. b. Inclined to wise sayings; abounding in proverbs c. Brief and pointed in meaning or expression saying much in few words Example: Larry’s sententious remarks about life and education amused some members of the audience.

11 Sentiment (noun) a. A thought, view, or attitude based more on feeling than on reason b. General cast of mind regarding something c. Tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling Example: The referendum will indicate increased public sentiment for better roads.

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