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الجامعة السورية الخاصة كلية الطب البشري قسم الجـراحـة

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1 الجامعة السورية الخاصة كلية الطب البشري قسم الجـراحـة
The Breast M.A.Kubtan,MD-FRCS Lecture 1 M.A.Kubtan

2 The Breast Learning Objectives
Appropriate investigation of breast disease . Breast anomalies and complexity of benign breast disease . The in-depth modern management of breast cancer . M.A.Kubtan

3 Comparative and Surgical Anatomy
Human breast is overlying the chest wall between the second to the sixth ribs . It is extending from the lateral border of the sternum to the anterior axillaries line . A thin layer of mammary tissue extend from the clavicle above to the seventh or eighth rib below . From the midline to the edge of the latissmus dorsi muscle poseriorly . The axillaries tail of the breast is palpable in some normal subjects , and it may becomes palpable during pre-menstrual or during lactation . M.A.Kubtan

4 Continue Lobule is the basic unit of mammary gland ,number varies from 10 – 100 lobules . Lobules empty via ductules into lactiferous duct , their number 15 – 20 . Lactiferous ducts are lined by erectile myoepithelial cells with terminal ampulla . M.A.Kubtan

5 Continue The ligaments of Cooper are fibrous tissue filled with breast tissue. Areola contains involuntary muscle arranged in concentric rings. The Areolar epithelium contains numerous sweat glands and sebaceous glands . During pregnancy sebaceous glands serve to lubricate the nipple during lactation ( Montgomery tubercles ) . M.A.Kubtan

6 Continue The nipple is covered by thick skin with corrugations.
Near its apex lie the orifices of lactiferous ducts . The nipple contains an erectile smooth muscle fibers. M.A.Kubtan

7 Lymphatics of the Breast
Lymphatics drains to axillary lymph nodes , and to internal mammory lymph nodes . The axillary lymph nodes receive approximately 85% of the lymphatic fluids . M.A.Kubtan

8 Anatomy of axillary lymph nodes
Lateral. Anterior . Posterior . Central . Interpectoral. Apical. M.A.Kubtan

9 Investigation of breast
Mammography . Mammography showing a carcinoma M.A.Kubtan

10 M.A.Kubtan

11 M.A.Kubtan

12 MRI Magnetic resonance imaging

13 Needle biopsy / cytology

14 M.A.Kubtan

15 M.A.Kubtan

16 Benign Breast Disease 30% of women will suffer from benign breast disorders . Most common symptoms are Pain , Lumpiness or a lump . The aim of treatment is to exclude cancer , and then to treat remaining symptoms . M.A.Kubtan

17 M.A.Kubtan

18 M.A.Kubtan

19 M.A.Kubtan

20 Congenital abnormalities
Amazia : congenital absence of breast in one or both breasts. Polymazia :accessory breasts ( most frequent site ) groin , buttock and thigh . They function during lactation . M.A.Kubtan

21 Mastitis of infants common
in boys as in girls . M.A.Kubtan

22 M.A.Kubtan

23 Injuries of breast Haematoma >>>> lump >>>> bruises . Traumatic fat necrosis >>>> acute >>>> or chronic M.A.Kubtan

24 Acute and sub acute inflammation of breast
Bacterial mastitis less common now , mostly caused by Staphylococcus aureus . Clinical features : classical signs of acute inflammation , if not aborted later an abscess will form. Treatment in cellulitic stage broad spectrom anti biotics. If pus formed repeated aspiration pus culture and anti biotic cover , otherwise incision and drainage of breast abscess . M.A.Kubtan

25 M.A.Kubtan

26 Chronic intramammary abscess
Tuberculosis of the breast . Actinomycosis rare . Mondor,s disease : thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the breast and chest wall , it may be idiopathic , or inflammatory , or of carcinogenic origin . M.A.Kubtan

27 M.A.Kubtan

28 The nipple Nipple retraction : benign simple in 25% is bilateral .
Recent retraction : may be pathological . Chronic periductal mastitis . Circumferential retraction with or without underlying lump may indicate an underlying carcinoma. M.A.Kubtan

29 Discharge from the nipple
A clear serous discharge may be physiological in a parous woman , or may be associated with duct papilloma. Ablood stained discharge may be caused by duct ectasia, duct papilloma or carcinoma . A black or green discharge as a result of ductectasia . M.A.Kubtan

30 Duct ectasia / periductal mastitis
Ductectasia is dilatation of the breast duct associated with periductal inflammation . M.A.Kubtan

31 M.A.Kubtan

32 M.A.Kubtan

33 Thank You M.A.Kubtan

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