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Adolescents Sexual Development

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1 Adolescents Sexual Development
NOTA June 2016 Carol Carson copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

2 copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016
Healthy Sexual Development 0 – 4 years Family, culture/faith and community main influences Exploratory behaviours, through touch, taste etc Sensual stage – intimacy, hugs and kisses, attachments, relationship blueprints Emotional regulation – learning to comfort themselves, soothing rather than sexual Toileting – if abused, cross wiring of different emotions and bodily sensations copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

3 copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016
Healthy Sexual Development 5 – 7 years old Family, culture/faith and community still the most influential Concept of ‘rude’ - bums and willies! Comparisons and questions Desire for privacy Gender socialisation copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

4 copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016
Healthy Sexual Development 8 – 12 years old Peers and Media now the most influential Informed Questioning Stage – increase in cognitive ability Puberty happening for some Mimicking relationship behaviours Sexual identity and sexual attractiveness copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

5 copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016
Healthy Sexual Development 13 – 15 years old Beginning of the grown up / consolidation phase They have knowledge, desires, development of adult sexual bodies They have practiced low key behaviours and maybe moving on They have a sense of themselves as sexual people/ social status Anxiety about bodies, performance Sexuality – they may feel very different copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

6 copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016
Healthy Sexual Development 16 – 18 years old The Adult phase They have adult sexual knowledge, language and adult sexual behaviours They will have conversations, comparisons and competitions with their peers Intimacy/ emotional closeness prevalent Peers & media still predominant, but family/cultural scripts may be revisited. copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

7 copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016
Healthy Sexual Behaviours Mutual, consensual, choice, exploratory, no intent to cause harm, fun, humorous, no power differentials Problematic Sexual Behaviours not age appropriate one off incidents or low key such as touching over clothing peer pressure spontaneous rather than planned self directed eg. masturbation other balancing factors, eg lack of intent to cause harm or level of understanding, or acceptance of responsibility other young people are irritated or uncomfortable but not scared, they feel free to tell someone other factors such as parents/carers are concerned and supportive. copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

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Harmful Sexual Behaviours Not age appropriate Elements of planning, secrecy, force or coercion Power differentials eg. age, size, status, strength The response of others eg fear, anxiety, discomfort The response of the young person eg. fear, anger, aggression Young person blames others and takes no responsibility Frequent incidents or increasing in frequency and disproportionate to other aspects of their lives Not easily distracted, compulsive despite intervention Other difficult behaviours, conduct disorders, anger, poor peer relationships etc. copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

9 copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016
Pathways to sexually harmful behaviour – Young people Sexual Abuse Sexualised Environments Social Media and Internet Influences Puberty Normalisation of casual sex in adolescent peer groups Development of deviant sexual interests and sexual fantasies copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

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Pattern Mapping What is the cause of the behaviour? What patterns do you see? Frequency Types of behaviour Gaps Risks – to who, where and when? Meaning of the behaviour – payoff, what do they get out of it? Motivation – Are they willing or ready to change? copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

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Key Areas for Assessment (Thornton 2000) AIM2 Sexual Interests and sexual regulation Do they use sex as a coping or soothing strategy to deal with moods or relationship difficulties The degree to which sexual arousal is pervasive or problematic 2. Offence supportive attitudes ( cognitive distortions) supportive of harmful sexual behaviours Underlying beliefs that justify their behaviour, eg. Entitlement to sex or to get needs met, or no means yes Gender stereotypes are prevalent Grievance or revenge scenarios are of concern copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

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3. Socio- affective functioning problems Intimacy problems – loneliness, inability to form relationships, attachments issues Inadequacy – low self esteem, no internal control Identification with children as sources of emotional reward 4. General Self Management Problems Problems with impulsiveness, hostility, poor emotional control Difficulties with identifying and regulating emotions, inability to de-escalate or negotiate Poor empathy skills Lack of ability to take personal responsibility copyright Carol Carson Associates Ltd 2016

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