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Viscoelastic-coupling model for the earthquake cycle driven from below

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1 Viscoelastic-coupling model for the earthquake cycle driven from below
J.C. Savage U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA Ge 277, Thomas ADER, January 27, 2011

2 Representation of the Bourne’s Model.
Bourne et al. [1998] “ The intersismic velocity profile across a transform fault at the surface would be a replica of a similar profile at the top of the upper mantle. ” Savage (2000) Savage [2000] “ For a linear system, (…) interseismic deformation along such a profile (…) is determined by the parameters H and t0 and does not depend at all upon the velocity profile at the top of the upper mantle. ” T, recurrence time of earthquakes Representation of the Bourne’s Model. relaxation time Savage (2000)

3 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven by the Schizosphere stress guide
Surface velocity time evolution

4 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven by the Schizosphere stress guide
Depth velocity time evolution

5 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven by the Schizosphere stress guide
Stress plastosphere -> schizosphere time evolution > 0

6 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven by the Schizosphere stress guide
Dependence with

7 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven from below
Same problem as before with boundary condition locked at depth + driving solution that provides driving force. Boundary condition locked at the top

8 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven from below
Surface velocity Same as before, but with boundary condition at y = H+D.

9 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven from below
Stress at the bottom of the upper crust

10 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven from below
Driving solution: Velocity in the lower crust

11 Viscoelastic-Coupling model driven from below
Driving solution: Stress at the bottom of the upper crust

12 Conclusion Surface displacement doesn’t depend on the displacement of the upper mantle Surface displacement depends on the parameters H (thickness of the schizosphere) and t0 Model valid only where the Earth model is linear (superposition of solutions).

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