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Teknik Kendaraan Ringan

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Presentation on theme: "Teknik Kendaraan Ringan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teknik Kendaraan Ringan
OVERHAUL BRAKE SYSTEM Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Semester 4 th Class XI Kompetensi Kejuruan SK-KD 12TH


3 Improving brake systems and components Tromol
Prepare the necessary equipment such as the image on the left side

4 Adjuster lever Removal of return spring

5 Remove Hold down Springs, The short one goes with adjuster lever
Guide plate

6 Remove adjuster lever and return spring , note pivot bushing
Note position of parking brake strut rod and anti –rattle spring

7 Note curve and wide end on strut
Strut for parking brake with the anti rattle spring

8 Remove hold down from short shoe
Note alignment of parking brake lever

9 Remove shoesas aunit careful of the adjuster spring
Remove adjuster with out stretching of spring

10 A clean layout will help you with assembly

11 Removal of parking brake lever from cable
Inspect wheel cylinder for leaks and free movement of pistons

12 Note wear on backing plate and lube with proper brake grease

13 Reassemble Clean, No grease or dirt on hands or brake friction material!

14 Place holdown pin in pivot bushing to hold adjuster lever in place

15 With care not to stretch spring attach primary shoe with adjuster spring

16 Attach primary shoe with care not to stretch adjuster spring

17 Hold Down spring Hold pin from rear and turn in with a half twist of tool to lock Spring

18 Narrow slot goes towards primary shoe
Tool is not needed to place the adjuster rod

19 Replace return springs with care not to over stretch
Insert adjuster return spring with small end up. Note position of adjuster

20 Almost perfect! Replace primary return spring and note guide plate clearance

21 Use a safety Set tool to pre adjust shoes
Inspect what you expect!!! Use a safety Set tool to pre adjust shoes

22 Set measurement to drum first
Replace drum and check for noise and shoe adjustment

23 End……………..

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