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Native American History

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1 Native American History

2 What do you already know about Native American History or culture?
Introduction What do you already know about Native American History or culture? On your packet, respond to the introduction questions. 1. How long have Native American people been living in the United States? 2. Name three facts about Native American culture. 3. What is a reservation? 4. Name three Native American tribes. 5. What happened to Native American people once America was discovered?

3 Review possible answers to the introduction questions. How did you do?
1. How long have Native American people been living in the United States? Concrete dates are difficult to determine, but researchers estimate Native American presence as far back as 16, ,000 years. 2. Name three facts about Native American culture. Share what you know!

4 Review 3. What is a reservation?
An Indian reservation is land a tribe reserved for itself when it relinquished its other land areas to the U. S. through treaties. (more on this in a second) 4. Name three Native American tribes. How many do you know? 5. What happened to Native American people once America was discovered? What do you know?

5 So where are they now? Many Native American people are living on reservations. An Indian reservation is land a tribe reserved for itself when it relinquished its other land areas to the U. S. through treaties. There are approximately 275 Indian land areas in the U. S. administered as Indian reservations (reservations, pueblos, rancherias, communities, etc.). The largest is the Navajo Reservation of some 16 million acres of land in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

6 What is life like on a reservation?
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7 Native Americans Today
Unfortunately, many Native American people living on reservations today are torn between duty to their family and their want to explore life and education off of the reservation. Alcohol and drug abuse on reservations is present, and has been a constant struggle for the culture.

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