HON. STEVEN FLETCHER A purpose driven Life

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1 HON. STEVEN FLETCHER A purpose driven Life
Case Management Symposium University of Manitoba

2 It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll I am master of my fate: I am captain of my soul Invictus: William Ernest Henley

3 January 1996: Life was charging ahead according to plan
January 1996: Life was charging ahead according to plan. Then everything changed in an instant.

4 After the accident my first job was to convince health officials that i could live on my own rather than in a nursing home. No one with my level of disability had ever attempted such a thing in Manitoba. The Importance of Care Givers Independence

5 “Politics was a field where ideas mattered more than motor skills, and I saw in it a place for myself. My ambitions mounted.” Hon Steven Fletcher Ottawa Citizen

6 I can’t do that? Just watch me!

7 never forget to laugh! For two days after the accident — before his lung collapsed and he was placed on a mechanical ventilator — Fletcher could still talk. Somehow, his sense of humour remained intact. “ I would rather be paralyzed from the neck down and not up! from What Do You Do If You Don’t Die by Linda McIntosh

8 I hope, every person regardless of who they are or where they come from, reach their full potential as human beings, and in doing so live long, happy, prosperous lives while making Canada the greatest country in the world to live– and Manitoba being the best part of that country. Hon. Steven Fletcher The Fletcher File Born June 17, 1972, Rio de Janeiro Education Masters of Business Administration, University of Manitoba ( ) Geological Engineering, University of Manitoba, ( ), professional engineering designation (P. Eng) Professional Career MLA, Assiniboia Member of Parliament ( elected at age 32, 8 years post accident) Minister of State, Transport, Responsible Canada Post, Via Rail, CATSA, Ridley Coal Terminals Marine Atlantic, etc. (May 2011-July 2013) Minister of State, Democratic Reform (October May 2011) Parliamentary Secretary to the Minster of Health, ( ) Senior Health Critic, Conservative Party ( ) President, Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba (February 2001-March 2003) President, University of Manitoba Students’ Union (May 1999-May 2001) President, Shaftesbury High School Student Council ( ) Honours and awards Queens Golden Jubilee Medal Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal Terry Fox Hall of Fame (2006), Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons Christopher Reeve Award (2010), Canadian Paraplegic Association Several Awards from the Canadian Cancer Community Manitoba K1 kayak champion, 500, 1000, 1500-metres (1989, 1990)

9 Happy trails! Hon. steven Fletcher
Hon. Steven Fletcher, MLA Assiniboia 3723 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3K 2A8 Phone:

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