Measurement of the phase of Bs mixing with Bs ϕϕ

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement of the phase of Bs mixing with Bs ϕϕ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement of the phase of Bs mixing with Bs ϕϕ
M. Needham ICHEP Valencia 2nd July 2014 On behalf of the LHCb Collaboration

2 Outline Introduction +dataset Time dependent analysis in Bs ϕϕ
Triple product measurement in Bs ϕϕ Summary LHCB-PAPER Studies exploit full LHCb Run 1 dataset of 3fb-1

3 Introduction B _ B -D f  D Observable phase s = -2s = M - 2 D
In the Standard Model expected s small for in Bs ϕϕ Larger values possible in models of New Physics such as Supersymmetry and Little Higgs Direct CP violation also possible Direct CP

4 Introduction: Bs ϕϕ Gluonic penguin decay. BR ~2 × 10-5
SM cancellation between decay + mixing phases ϕs is 0.01 with 0.02 uncertainty (arXiv: ) Room for New Physics even if ϕs constrained by measurements in other modes LHCb: ideal place to measure due large dataset + hadronic trigger Build on previous time dependent measurement using 880 events corresponding to 1fb-1 of data collected in 2011 [PRL 110 (2013) ]. Yielded 68% CL of [-2.46,-0.76] rad p-value of SM 16 %

5 Time dependent angular analysis
P + S – wave amplitudes/ strong phase P wave three polarization amplitudes CP even (A0, A||) CP odd (Aperp) S-wave CP odd and even components CP violating phase ϕs Direct CP violation parameter |λ|

6 Time dependent angular analysis
Angular acceptance from simulation Time acceptance from data

7 Dataset 2011 2012 Full Run 1 dataset + new multi-variate selection yields 3950 signal candidates Around 4.5x number from previous analysis

8 Analysis Ingredients Time resolution model from
Physics parameters in Γs, ΔΓs, Δms from other LHCb analyses Time resolution model from simulation. Calibrated on data σt ~ 43 fs Unbinned maximum likelihood fit to mass, time and angles Opposite + same side tagging calibrated using B+  J/ψK+ and semi-leptonic B decays. See talk of M. Dorigo Time acceptance due to cuts in the trigger determined from Bs Dsπ data Angular acceptance for signal from simulation

9 Fit Projections CP Even CP Odd S-wave

10 ϕs results Results consistent with no CP violation and the Standard Model expectation Main systematic uncertainties from angular and decay time acceptance. Uncertainties due to included in Γs, ΔΓs, Δms, tagging included in the statistical uncertainty

11 Triple Product Asymmetries
Datta + London: arXiv:hep-ph/ Gronau + Rosner: arXiv:hep-ph/ v2 CP-odd/CP-even interference terms Im(A0*A) + Im(A//* A) are proportional to Triple products + are odd under time reversal Sign according to cosθ1 cosθ2 V U Non-zero TPs: T violation + hence CP violation Extraction of TP asymmetries simple counting exercise: Zero in the Standard Model, non zero if weak phases of polarization amplitudes different

12 Triple Product results
Triple products consistent with zero. Consistent with previous LHCb/CDF results, improve precision by factor of two Main systematics from mass model, angular and time acceptance

13 Summary Full LHCb Run 1 dataset + latest flavour tagging used to make precision measurement of CP violation in Bs ϕϕ decay Updated values for triple products also given Results consistent with Standard Model prediction of small CP violation Expect factor of two improvement in precision with Run 2 data Key channel for LHCb upgrade where precision will reach ~ 0.03 level providing high precision probe of Standard Model (theory uncertainty 0.02)

14 Backup

15 The LHCb Detector Muon System RICH Detectors Vertex Locator VELO
pp collision Point ~ 1 cm B Calorimeters Tracking System

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