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Guess the number of Candies in the Container!

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Presentation on theme: "Guess the number of Candies in the Container!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guess the number of Candies in the Container!

2 Vice President - Joshua Lokey Secretary - Jenny Wei
Your OFFICERS President - Kathy Yan Vice President - Joshua Lokey Secretary - Jenny Wei Historian - Safwan Islam Treasurer - Sophie Qureshi Service Chairman - Chloe Champion

3 How can I get service hours?
You can get service hours by doing something necessary for someone else, like mowing your grandmother’s lawn, or helping out a teacher clean up her room. When attempting to receive service hours, keep these things in mind: You may not be paid while getting service hours Chores do not count as service hours! If you do any of the before, you are not doing service, you are doing business! (or chores)

4 What counts as service? •Helping at church •Cleaning the neighborhood
•Taking part in neighborhood service projects •Taking part in Allen service project •Taking part in a CMS service project

5 Types of service required
Your service will need to be a mixture of the following: Some service MUST be here at Curtis Some service MUST be in Allen community The rest can be with neighbors or church, etc.

6 How do I report my hours? Fill out forms across the columns completely. Service hour form - Room A113 or on the website

7 Notes 12 hours will be due at our next meeting on Thurs, Oct. 19
Only 6 summer hours will count towards your required 12 hours

8 Service Opportunities
Creek Allen Station Park - September 30th, 11am to 1pm ACO Animal Shelter Allen Teen Court

9 Thanks for Donating!!!!

10 Maintain your NJHS Status
To stay in NJHS, you must maintain an overall grade average of 94% or above, and you may not have a grade below 80% in any class. You may have no detentions or office referrals! This will be checked after every nine week You must come to every single meeting or else you will be put on probation You must complete 12 service hours each nine weeks

11 What is probation? If you do not meet any of these criteria, you will be put on probation. At the end of the next nine weeks, all of these criteria need to be fulfilled, or you will be dismissed. :(

12 Keep informed @CurtisNJHS @CurtisNJHS
Check out the bulletin boards at the library entrance and cafeteria for up-to-date information Follow us on social media @CurtisNJHS @CurtisNJHS

13 Text this message: @curtisn
REMIND 101 Enter this number: 81010 Text this Reminders about meetings, service opportunities, etc will be available on Remind 101.

14 NJHS T-Shirts We have ordered the NJHS shirts. Shirts will be coming in a couple of weeks. The dues that you already paid will cover this shirt, so everyone will get one. Stay tuned on announcements for how to pick up your shirt once it comes in.

15 NJHS Money Vote - Donate $500 to American Red Cross for hurricane victims Vote - Use $200 for NJHS contest prizes and various fun needs (items bought at Walmart) Vote - Spend $500 for teacher appreciation in December and in May (items bought at Walmart and Max’s Donuts)


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