Effect of feeding rice bran lyso-phospholipids and rumen protected fat on milk yield and milk composition in crossbred cows U.B. Sontakke, Harjit Kaur,

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1 Effect of feeding rice bran lyso-phospholipids and rumen protected fat on milk yield and milk composition in crossbred cows U.B. Sontakke, Harjit Kaur, A. K. Tyagi, M. Kumar and A. Hussain Dairy Cattle Nutrition Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (India) Introduction Results Table 2 Effect of RBLPL and RPF on milk fatty acid profile (% of total fatty acids) Fatty acid Group I Group II Group III C8:0 0.94 0.87 0.89 C10:0 3.02 2.47 2.98 C12:0 3.38 3.09 3.18 C14:0 10.86 8.50 8.65 C14:1 0.85 1.18 1.07 C16:0 27.84 25.96 26.19 C16:1 1.43 1.64 1.76 C17:0 0.56 0.24 C18:0 16.48 12.95 13.76 C18:1 2.19 2.78 2.87 C18:1 Cis 9 26.28 27.31 27.19 C18:2 3.68 4.48 4.53 C18:3 0.84 0.93 0.92 C20:0 0.38 0.51 0.46 Total FA 98.73 92.91 94.69 Total unsaturated FA 35.27 38.32 38.34 Total saturated FA 62.90 54.35 56.11 Total LCFA 77.68 76.80 77.92 India has a large livestock population with a very low level per animal production. Poor animal production is due to chronic shortage of protein and energy rich animal feeds, liberalization in export policy and inadequate availability of pastures due to shrinking grazing lands. So there is a need to search for the possibilities of feeding alternative agro-industrial byproducts Rice bran lyso-phospholipids is produced as by product which is a potent source of energy phospholipids. Table 3 Economics of feeding RBLPL and RPF to lactating cows Attribute Group I Group II Group III DMI (Kg/day) 12.14 11.77 11.88 Feed intake (fresh basis) Green berseem intake (kg/d/animal) 27.96 27.12 27.37 Wheat straw intake (kg/d/animal) 3.96 3.84 3.87 Concentrate intake (kg/d/animal) 4.81 4.67 4.71 Feed cost (Rs.)* Cost of green berseem (Rs./d/animal) 41.94 40.68 41.05 Cost of wheat straw (Rs./d/animal) 16.63 16.12 16.25 Cost of concentrate (Rs./d/animal) 69.74 57. 16 66.78 Total feed cost (Rs./d/ animal) 128.32 113.91 124.11 Average milk yield (kg/d/animal) 12.54 12.90 12.84 Gross income (Rs./ d/ animal) from selling of Rs.25/-kg milk 313.50 322.50 321.00 Average 4% FCM yield (kg/d/animal) 13.65 14.47 14.25 Gross income (Rs./ d/ animal) from selling of 4% Rs.23/-kg 4% FCM 313.95 332.81 327.75 Net return over feed cost (Rs./ d/ animal) Milk Yield 208.59 196.89 4 % FCM yield 185.63 218.9 203.64 Feed cost (Rs.) per kg milk produced 10.24 8.83 9.67 Feed cost (Rs.) per kg FCM produced 9.40 7.88 8.71 Objectives To study the effect of feeding RBLPL on milk yield, composition and fatty acid composition To observe the effect of replacing rumen protected fat with rice bran phospholipids on milk yield and its composition 18 , Lactating Karan Fries Group I * (Control, n=6) Ration-60% rouhghage+40% concentrate Group II (n=6) Control+6% RBLP Group III (n=6) Control+ 3% Rumen protected Fat (RPF) Materials and Methods Table1 Effect of RBLPL and RPF on milk composition and nutrient intake Experimental Period = 90 days Parameter Group I Group II Group III DMI/day (kg) 12.14 ± 0.07 11.77 ± 0.09 11.88 ± 0.25 CP intake (kg/100kg BW) 0.44a ±0.01 0.44ab ± 0.00 0.45b ± 0.01 TDN intake (kg/100 kg BW) 1.97a ± 0.00 1.99ab ± 0.01 1.99 b ± 0.01 Milk yield kg/d 12.54b ±0.64 12.90 b ±0.52 12.84 b ± 0.67 Milk fat % 4.60a ± 0.02 4.81b ± 0.05 4.79b ± 0.06 Milk protein (%) 2.98 ±0.02 2.93 ± 0.04 2.92 ± 0.04 Milk Lactose (%) 4.34 ± 0.07 4.34 ± 0.04 4.36 ± 0.03 Milk SNF (%) 7.69 ± 0.06 7.68 ± 0.03 7.71 ± 0.03 Conclusion RBLPL can replace the costlier sources of energy i.e. mustard oil and rumen protected fat in the diet of lactating animals. Cows fed rice bran lyso-phospholipids were more economical in terms of whole milk and FCM production. Rice bran lyso-phospholipids can be safely 6% in the ration of dairy cows without any adverse effect on digestibility of nutrients and milk production. Parameters studied: Daily dry matter intake Daily milk yield Fortnightly body weight of the animals Fortnightly milk composition and fatty acid profile *To make iso- energetic diets , mustard added

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