Groundwater, Running Water and Estuaries

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1 Groundwater, Running Water and Estuaries
Chapter 6

2 What does Water Balance Mean?
There is a balance between the precipitation and the evaporation rates within the water cycle.

3 Water Cycle The water cycle is
Water constantly moves among the oceans, the atmosphere, the solid Earth, and the biosphere.

4 Parts of the water cycle
Evaporation – when water is evaporated from a lake, ocean or stream Precipitation – liquid or solid water from the clouds Infiltration - the movement of surface water into rock or soil through cracks and pore spaces Transpiration - the release of water into the atmosphere from plants Runoff – when flash rain storm hits the ground and is not absorbed.

5 Distribution of the Water on Earth

6 Groundwater Zone of aeration – area above the water table where soil, sediment and rock are not saturated. The water table is the upper level of the saturation zone of groundwater Zone of saturation – area where the soil, sediments and rock are saturated with water. Groundwater is the water within this zone(Zone of Saturation)

7 Movement of water underground
Porosity The percentage of pore Spaces determines how much groundwater can be stored Permeability Ability to transmit water through connected pore spaces Clay – smallest amount of pore space of any soil type – not permeable

8 Groundwater: Aquifers
Underground water storage Water flows through ground and is stored within rock spaces Number one source of freshwater world wide

9 Problems with Groundwater
Withdrawing too much Toxins leaching into the groundwater Heavy metals contaminating the water Salt water intrusion

10 US Aquifers Ogallala Aquifer
Central part of the US Two problems: contamination and depletion Guarding the Ogallala

11 Wells Artesian Well An artesian well is any formation in which groundwater rises on its own under pressure Pumping can cause a drawdown (lowering) of the water table.

12 Springs A spring forms whenever the water table intersects the ground surface. Hot Springs Water is 6–9ºC warmer than the mean air temperatures Water is heated by cooling of igneous rock.

13 Springs Geyser Intermittent hot springs
Water turns to steam and erupts. Old Faithful – Yellowstone National Park – erupts every 90 minutes

14 Caverns A cavern is a naturally formed underground chamber
Erosion forms most caverns at or below the water table Stalactites (grow downward) Stalagmites (growing upward).

Karst Topography Form when water dissolves rock as it moves through ground Sinkholes—surface depressions also come from aquifer depletion (Aquifers gone wrong!!) Caves and caverns

16 Sinkholes Form in numerous ways:
Aquifer depletion – hollow pores collapse Seeping water dissolving rock

17 Drainage Basins A drainage basin is the land area that contributes water to a river

18 A stream’s profile Headwater – at the beginning of a stream (Mountains) Mouth – at the end of a stream (ocean) Tributary –a stream that empties into another stream. Factors that increase downstream channel size discharge

19 Base Level Base level - Lowest point to which a stream can erode
Ultimate base level is sea level Temporary or local base levels lakes main streams Meandering Stream Slow moving stream located in the flat regions or territory

20 Capacity Maximum load a stream can carry

21 Controlling Floods Artificial Levees Flood-Control Dams
here earthen mounds are built on the banks of a river. Increase the amount of water a channel can hold. The Levees in New Orleans broke in Katrina Flood-Control Dams Where floodwater is stored and let out slowly.

22 Controlling Floods Limit development
Advocating sound floodplain management Preserve floodplains instead of building on them

23 Estuaries Where fresh and salt water meet
Breeding grounds for most marine life If contaminated, loss of ocean productivity Called sounds, mangrove forests, estuaries, marshes

24 Estuaries Packet 

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