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Final Report Update 1 August 10, 2009

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1 Final Report Update 1 August 10, 2009
Priority Action Plan 09: Demand Response and Distributed Energy Resource Signal Semantics Final Report Update 1 August 10, 2009

2 PAP09 Highlights, Discoveries, Next Steps
Numerous stakeholders (as identified) will provide UML and semantics Review of interface “from above and below” Suppliers and Distributors Consumers from each domain All will deliver input to OASIS Energy Interoperation TC at end of October 2009 before Grid-Interop Expect PAP07 contribution to DER semantics Some semantic elements (calendar, price) are due from other work in April 2010 Unanimous consent on action plan August 4, 2009 DR+DER Signal Semantics

3 DR+DER Signal Semantics
PAP 09 Tasks Identified Task Responsible Date Notes Message Semantics Work DR OASIS EITC Underway Starting from OpenADR. Review by UCAIug, NAESB, BAE, SEP, TC57 CIM, Multispeak, 1377, others Vocabulary NAESB, UCAIug, BACnet, LonMark TWIKI ASAP to [UML] Normalize OpenADR, NAESB, UCAIug, Place on TWIKI Deliver to OASIS EITC Define proper DER Interaction, Scope Lunch table discussion; later readout to Action Team List Input before x2G DEWGs, IEC TC57. Storage Models IEEE1547.3, NAESB PAP07 Outcome, PAP11 Elec Trans Message Semantics Work DER Convene by Input expected by Downstream user requirements/engagement LonMark, BACnet, ZigBee SEP2 BACnet, LonMark, HES, x2G, UpnP, OpenHAN, ZigBee, SEP, oBIX, AHAM, UCAIug, NEMA Resale and process for safety and interconnection and resale NAESB UL Additional message requirements for Distribution MultiSpeak Collect, Analyze, and Consolidate Use Cases and deliver UML (inc DER) UCAIug, NAESB Incorporating OpenADR (Starting point for OASIS EITC). No Magic. Delver Semantics, Interactions for Initial review Leave hole for Price, Calendar Message Semantics Calendar, Price Output from PAP03, PAP04 August 4, 2009 DR+DER Signal Semantics

4 Groups and Contacts (from Workshop)
NIST Lead—David Holmberg Task Leads (in alphabetical order by organization) Other Organizations identified (alphabetical order) BACnet/ASHRAE Sharon Dinges LonMark Ron Bernstein MultiSpeak Bob Saint NAESB Jonathan Booe OASIS Laurent Liscia UCAIug Wayne Longcore ZigBee SEP2 Robby Simpson AHAM HES NEMA OpenHAN B2G DEWG I2G DEWG No Magic, Inc. PAPs 3, 4, 7, 11 BAE Systems IEC TC57 oBIX UL H2G DEWG IEEE /1377 OpenADR UPnP/WS-DD/DP

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