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hydrostatic pressure)

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1 hydrostatic pressure)
Return to circulation 3.6 L/day flows into lymphatic vessels Arteriole KEY Venule CHP (Capillary hydrostatic pressure) Filtration Reabsorption BOP (Blood osmotic pressure) No net fluid movement 24 L/day 20.4 L/day 35 mm Hg 25 mm Hg 25 mm Hg 25 mm Hg 18 mm Hg 25 mm Hg NFP (Net filtration pressure) NFP = +10 mm Hg NFP = 0 NFP = 7 mm Hg

2 Filtration at the Arterial end
Net filtration pressure: CHP-BCOP=35-25=10 Reabsorption at the Venous end Net filtration pressure: CHP-BCOP=15-25=-10

Figure Baroreceptor Reflexes of the Carotid and Aortic Sinuses (Part 1 of 2). Cardio-inhibitory center Cardio-acceleratory center cardiac output Responses to Increased Baroreceptor Stimulation Vasomotor center Baroreceptors Vaso… occurs HOMEOSTASIS DISTURBED HOMEOSTASIS RESTORED Increasing blood pressure Blood pressure decreases Start HOMEOSTASIS Normal range of blood pressure

4 HOMEOSTASIS Normal range of blood pressure Start Baroreceptors
Figure Baroreceptor Reflexes of the Carotid and Aortic Sinuses (Part 2 of 2). HOMEOSTASIS Normal range of blood pressure Start HOMEOSTASIS DISTURBED HOMEOSTASIS RESTORED Decreasing blood pressure Blood pressure Vaso…. occurs Baroreceptors Vasomotor center Cardiac output Responses to Decreased Baroreceptor Stimulation Cardio-acceleratory Cardio-inhibitory center

5 Impulse traveling along
afferent nerves from baroreceptors: cardio-inhibitory center cardio-acceleratory center Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch stimulated vasomotor center Arterial blood pressure rises above normal range Stimulus: Rising blood pressure Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range

6 Homeostasis: Blood pressure in normal range
Stimulus: Declining blood pressure Impulses from baroreceptors: cardio-acceleratory center cardio-inhibitory center Arterial blood pressure falls below normal range Baroreceptors in carotid sinuses and aortic arch Vasomotor Fibers vasomotor center



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