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This Week in the Pre-K Jungle Weekly Themes Important Reminders

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1 This Week in the Pre-K Jungle Weekly Themes Important Reminders
February 3rd Happy Birthday Sadie- 11th Ryder- 23rd Mrs. Zieschang-19th Weekly Themes Happy Friday! This week was all about dental, 100 days of school and the letter Pp. We discussed different ways to keep our teeth healthy and sorted pictures of things that are good and bad for our teeth. We celebrated 100 days of school with a crown, 100 fruit loop necklace and a 100 piece snack. We also had a tasting party with foods that start with the letter Pp. Next week we will learn about space, comparing shapes, and the letter Qq.    Important Reminders Please write your child’s name in their jacket. If you are sending a snack that requires a spoon, please send one in their backpack. Show and tell is on Wednesdays. I would like for everyone to participate. Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school. They can bring them on Wednesday for show and tell but should be taken out when they get home. They are allowed to bring a small stuffed animal with them to school to sleep with. There will be a pep rally at 3:00 on Friday, February 10th. Valentine’s Day Valentine’s day is not one of our party days. We will do valentine centers instead that will incorporate math, language arts and a craft. We will also make a bag to hold valentines. I ask that each student bring in a valentine for every student in the class. We are now at 17. They do not need to write their classmate’s name only their own name. It makes it easier to sort into the bags. We will start our centers around 12:30 on February 14th. Let me know if you are interested in helping or sending craft items. Contact Mrs. Zieschang phone number

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