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Mathematics: Numbers. Mathematics: Numbers Mathematics: Space, shape and measure.

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2 Mathematics: Numbers

3 Mathematics: Space, shape and measure

4 Counting Counting orally (ones, twos, fives and tens)
Counting objects to ten and beyond Counting out objects up to ten Counting actions or objects that can not be moved Climb up the beanstalk, ladder, spout etc. One to one correspondence. Not always in a line or grouped together. Cover your eyes and count the coins dropping into the glass, check afterwards before going on to counting claps, hops, jumps etc. Counting out objects; have you enough to give me four, five? Place 4, 5, 6, 7 objects in the frame etc

5 Number Recognition Recognise numbers of personal significance
Selects the numeral to represent 1-5 objects and then 1- 10 Counting and ordering numbers to 20 Writing numbers: personal significance, shoe size, age, door number

6 Comparing and Estimating
Comparing amounts, what colour/object do we have more/ fewer of? Estimate- how many can you see? How many lego bricks tall/ wide do you think … is? Estimate how many they can see before counting. Estimate and measure using nonstandard measurements. Sorting.

7 Adding and Subtracting
Find the ‘total’ amount One more/ one fewer from a group of up to 5 objects and then 10 object Says one more than a given number Using objects and quantities adds and subtracts two- one digit numbers Encourage them to bring to the groups together before counting initially. Number line. Actions to accompany language to aid their understanding.

8 numbers more Count total numerals fewer subtract Halving add amounts
objects numbers more Count group total One less numerals fewer subtract Halving add amounts recognise sharing Take away doubling The language of number One more


10 Shapes 2D and 3D shapes Spotting shapes in the environment
Making arrangements with shapes Describing the properties of shapes number of sides and faces etc Flat and solid.

11 Other aspects of learning
Prepositions Time Length Capacity Weight Patterns Money Distance Up, above, below, next to, underneath. Sequencing familiar events, language of time. Language of length and height. Language of capacity, full, empty. Weight: heavy, light, comparing weights. Patterns,ABABAB AABAAB ABCABCABC. Coin recognition, paying for goods using 1p 2p 5p coins before moving on to the value of each coin to ten.

12 heavier larger heavy Nearly full lighter smaller wide pounds Far away
big heavier larger heavy Nearly full small lighter smaller wide pounds Far away high empty close short pence low pattern full The language of number nearer

13 Opportunities for skills and language application

14 Weighing fruit and vegetables
Placing an amount of objects in the trolley Counting objects on the shelves Prepositions Where is the milk? Next to the butter, above the cheese, below the cream Counting objects on the shelves Counting objects on the shelves Paying for goods Number recognition Weighing fruit and vegetables 3D shape packaging

15 Opportunities for skills and language application

16 Ordering sticks by length
Sorting leaves Making patterns using natural objects Estimating and Counting the bars Ordering sticks by length Home learning, is there anything you have noticed your child enjoys doing at home? E.g. ingredients during baking, helping you to measure furniture Measuring the length of our feet using natural objects 2D shape hunt

17 Home Learning Home learning, is there anything you have noticed your child enjoys doing at home? E.g. ingredients during baking, helping you to measure furniture Home learning: is there any activity your child is particularly fond of involving maths? Baking etc

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