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AGM October 25, 2016.

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1 AGM October 25, 2016

2 A brief history… Between 1920 and 1922 - 21 OT’s working in MB
Formation of MSOT MSOT Official; CAOT national conference held in Winnipeg (again in 1989, 2003, 2015) Began lobbying to have Association of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba created Legislation is passed, and AOTM formed (later to be renamed COTM in 2005) Major accomplishments Celebrate 50 years of advocacy for the Occupational Therapists of Manitoba

3 Current Numbers # of OT’s in Manitoba (registered to practice through COTM) = 676 (June 2015) # of OT’s MSOT members = 267 (June 2016) ONLY 39 % of OT’s in Manitoba are MSOT members


5 The Numbers NOTE: With our current numbers we are not able to meet our budget and therefore have no funds to support additional advocacy efforts BUT… If 50% of OT’s in MB were MSOT members = 338 members, + 71 = $7000 more in revenue. If 75% of OT’s in MB were MSOT members = 507 members (almost doubles our current membership) and would be $24,000 more in revenue. If 100% of OT’s in MB were MSOT members = 676 members and would be 409 more members and $40,000 more in revenue.

6 Dare to Dream… Imagine the incredible things we could do with the extra revenue… Advocacy and advertising TV commercials Bus ads Professional development What else??????

7 What do you value? Please answer…
CURRENT MEMBERS PLEASE ANSWER: I value being a MSOT member because… OR I am a MSOT member because… IF YOU ARE NOT CURRENTLY A MSOT MEMBER PLEASE ANSWER: I have chosen not be a MSOT member currently because… AND I would become a MSOT member if… EVERYONE PLEASE ANSWER: I think it would add value to being a MSOT member if… I would like to see MSOT…

8 The Facts With our current membership we are not able to meet our projected budget, even with cuts.

9 What are our Options? Increase number of members! Raise member fees
Run a deficit Dip into our savings Look to a CAOT Chapter Model Others?

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