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2 At the end of this unit, participants will be able to:
Outcomes At the end of this unit, participants will be able to: Understand the difference between growth mindset language and fixed mindset language Shift their teaching language/comments to foster a “growth” mindset in their students

3 How do instructors encourage persistence, effort, and hard work?
Essential Questions How does the language I use in the classroom affect my students’ mindset? How do instructors encourage persistence, effort, and hard work?

4 Quiet Think Time: Think of a time when you were most motivated to learn something despite its difficulty and occasional (or frequent) setbacks. Pair-Share: Pair up with someone sitting near you and discuss what your experience. What did you know or believed that carried you through the early “klutzy” stages of learning something new? Why did you persist?

5 Reflecting on Research
What elements of the research rings true with your own experience as a motivated learner?

6 (★) Claims in the reading that confirm participants’ experiences
Text Coding (★) Claims in the reading that confirm participants’ experiences (#) Claims in the reading that challenge their perspectives, or run contrary to what they feel from experience (?) Questions inspired by the text (Δ) Other  ideally these can be a small graphic

7 Repeat with a new person sharing a passage.
Discussion Read a highlighted passage aloud, including your response to the text. Did it inspire questions? Push against your current practice or a belief? Rub you the wrong way? Share your thinking. After your share, others in the group can add their response to the passage. Repeat with a new person sharing a passage.

8 Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Activity
Each table group should have slips of paper with the fixed/growth mindset phrases on them. Each member of the group should read one of the slips of paper out loud. The group should then discuss alternate phrases that could be used in the classroom that would encourage more of a growth mindset in students. Repeat with new phrases.

9 Post-Activity Discussion
What “fixed mindset” phrases do we hear most often in the classroom? How does it feel to move away from “good job”?

10 Exit Ticket What are practices that we can use to promote a “growth mindset” culture within our classrooms? What traditional approaches might need to shift to support this “growth mindset” culture?


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