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Human Resources/Employment Issues

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1 Human Resources/Employment Issues
AIM Executive Academy Human Resources/Employment Issues

2 Employment Law Know your state system/status of your employees
Most states have a form of civil service – distinct from managing employees in the private sector Civil service/public employee contracts are additional matters of concern for administration One downside of civil service is many rules that need to be followed One upside is that there are many rules, which can help make for a well-defined path Most states have an extensive HR system in place to support managers

3 Employee Evaluations – Part 1
Do them, require supervisors to do them, know when due Don’t use only when they are negative Document, document, document! Clear expectations No surprises on evaluation day Fair evaluation When negative, provide clear pathway to remediation Regularly review performance expectations for positions on your own and with employees

4 Employee evaluations – Part 2
Evaluations help guides you lead and manage Make sure that an employee’s failure to meet goals and expectations isn’t because of your failure to set goals and follow up Executive Director Evaluation Depends on agency structure Part of larger state agency, it’s usually taken care of If Board is independent, work with leadership (and Governor’s Office, likely) to set up structure Seek regular review – formal and informal – to avoid getting blindsided

5 Hiring & Discipline of Employees
Know the HR staff who support you and be sure you have a contact you can rely on for advice Consistency in hiring and discipline is important, but there is room & need for rational decision making Documentation Know the hiring process Script interview questions Know what you can’t ask or say!

6 Hiring & Discipline of Employees
Know the discipline process Many state employees have a property interest in employment and enjoy due process rights Cleveland Bd of Ed. v. Loudermill, US Supreme Court 1985 Notice and a chance to be heard Be open-minded; decide outcome after hearing employee When termination or suspension are possible, get legal advice early Document, document, document!

7 Employee Recognition Shrinking budgets /Tightening restrictions
Employee recognition is critical Say “thank you” often and publicly – and mean it! Praise staff to the Board – especially when staff is present When dealing with outsiders: Credit for good goes to staff; Negative absorbed by the Executive Director (private discussion later) Whatever you do, be sincere about it In stressful times, have your employees’ backs – even if you need to have a private coaching session later Genuinely caring about an employee as a person is sometimes the most important recognition of all

8 Board relations with Staff – Part 1
Work to maintain a friendly relationship, but with clear boundaries Be friendly, not friends Decide whether you want open access by Board to staff Chose direct access level carefully – it’s nearly impossible to “un-do” later Tight controls can look paranoid

9 Board relations with staff – Part 2
Be prepared to step in and protect staff if a Board member (or anyone else) becomes difficult or confrontational Regardless of the model you follow, make it clear to staff you want to know about Board member contacts because you are directly accountable to the Board

10 Employee relations “take-aways”
Document, document, document! Consult HR, Legal, etc. Whatever you do, make an effort to be: Considerate of employee’s perspective Sincere Honest & frank Consistent Reliable Don’t take it personally or be guided by emotion And watch your back

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