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Muybridge Lab CSD 340 (Blum).

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Presentation on theme: "Muybridge Lab CSD 340 (Blum)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muybridge Lab CSD 340 (Blum)

2 Create a page with a table consisting of two rows and one column
CSD 340 (Blum)

3 Add an id attribute to the table data item in the first row.
CSD 340 (Blum)

4 Add a drop-down list, set its id, name and width (in style)
CSD 340 (Blum)

5 Right click on the drop-down list and choose Properties
CSD 340 (Blum)

6 Add text and Value to the drop-down list
CSD 340 (Blum)

7 Add a second item and click OK
CSD 340 (Blum)

8 Add Start and Stop buttons, set their ids, names, values and widths
CSD 340 (Blum)

9 Double click on the start button, declare a timerID and an ImageCount variable above the function and use the setInterval function in the function CSD 340 (Blum)

10 Write the ShowImage() function
CSD 340 (Blum)

11 Add align and height attributes to the table data item in the first row
CSD 340 (Blum)

12 Double click on the Stop button and write the stop code
CSD 340 (Blum)

13 Result CSD 340 (Blum)

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