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HAVE GOT Author: Martianova Olga.

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Presentation on theme: "HAVE GOT Author: Martianova Olga."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAVE GOT Author: Martianova Olga

2 Have I/you/we/they got…? Has he/she/it got…?
have got Affirmative Negative I/you/we/they have got have not got he/she/it has got has not got Interrogative Short answers Have I/you/we/they got…? Has he/she/it got…? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t Yes, he has/ No, he hasn’t.

3 have got Употребление: В значении «иметь, обладать»
I have got some tulips in my garden. 2. При описании людей, животных или предметов A koala has got grey fur. 3. Для обозначения отношений между людьми Polly has got a sister and a brother.

4 have got Penguins have got black and white coats. Penguins have not got black and white coats. Have penguins got black and white coats? (Yes, they have / No, they haven’t) What has got black and white coats? (penguins have.) What colour coats have penguins got? Have penguins got black and white or grey coats? Penguins have got black and white coats, haven’t they?

5 have got The cat has got long whiskers. The cat has not got long whiskers. Has the cat got long whiskers? (Yes, it has / No, it hasn’t) What has got long whiskers? (The cat has) What whiskers has the cat got? Has the cat got long or short whiskers? The cat has got long whiskers, hasn’t it?

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