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Presentation on theme: "Landforms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landforms

2 Landforms Our class has been studying about landforms. The class was divided into 10 teams. Each team was given a different landform to build out of play dough. After completing our project, each team gave a short presentation about their landform.

3 Robert and James

4 Natalie and Halie

5 Jazzmine and Adreana

6 Emma and Selena

7 Erika and Brittany

8 Ethan, Randy and Mrs. Ray

9 Logan and Faith

10 Mrs. Soos, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Sebastian.

11 Sebastian and Ryan

12 James and Robert

13 Natalie and Halie

14 Logan and Faith

15 Ryan and Sebastian

16 Adreana and Jazzmine

17 Brittany and Erika

18 Selena and Emma

19 Jeremiah and Joshua

20 Ethan

21 Thank You We would like to thank Mrs. Windrow for making all of the play dough and coming to our classroom to help us create our landforms.

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