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Fosmid Library Construction Report

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1 Fosmid Library Construction Report
Source of RNA 1-1. Sample Information: Paracoccus haeundaensis 1-2. Total genomic DNA Concentration: NanoDrop® ND-1000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 1-3. Electrophoresis of g.DNA: 2. Fosmid Library Construction 2-1. Type of Library: Plasmid library 2-2. Name of Vector: CopyControlTM –pCC1FOSTM 2-3. Insert Ratio: > 100 % 2-4. Insert Size distribution: >40Kb 2-5. Titer: 0.7X 103 pfu/10ul ligate 2-6. Host strain: EPI300-T1R 2-7. Insert Check by Restriction Enzyme Digestion: Sample Conc. (ng/ul) A260/A280 gDNA 177.9 1.9 NEB Mid range PFGE marker 1kb Ladder CopyControl pCC1FOS Vector (8.2 kb) Lane Sample name Treatment 1 Low range marker 2 mid range marker 3 10kb Ladder 4~19 Fosmid DNA NotI Lane Sample name Quantity 1 gDNA 1ug 2 1kb Ladder Figure 1. Insert Size Determination. 16 colonies are randomly picked and insert DNA are digested with NotI - 1 / 2 -

2 Fosmid Library Construction Report
2-8. Vector Information: Figure 2. CopyControlTM –pCC1FOSTM Vector Map - 2 / 2 -

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