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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Tickets to Heaven The Error of Market Based Theology
The difference in between Biblical Theology & something else is the difference between truth & error False theological can be in direct opposition to the Bible False theologies can be perversions of the Bible leading to a false gospel

3 Tickets to Heaven The Error of Market Based Theology
False theologies can be aberrations of the Bible leading to spiritual confusion and immaturity Traditions can be helpful if their reason is known and they assist in walking in godliness A tradition kept without knowing its purpose and meaning can be dangerous

4 Church Growth vs. Market Growth
Jesus said He would build His church - Matthew 16:18 True church growth is dependent on the Lord doing His work and His workers being faithful The Great Commission - Matthew 28: expresses our Master’s desires The command is to make disciples carried out by going, baptizing and teaching

5 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Communicating New Life in Christ Cultivating New Life in Christ Caring for New Life in Christ Celebrating New Life in Christ

6 Church Growth vs. Market Growth
Many things within the church growth movement can be helpful in carrying out the Great Commission Periodic re-evaluation of ministry to make sure they are fulfilling their purpose is a good practice Removing unnecessary obstacles to new people coming and assimilating is a good practice

7 Church Growth vs. Market Growth
Without the goal of making disciples, even good things from church growth ideas can be dangerous Small groups that are not promoting discipleship can be very dangerous to spiritual health Market research is helpful when it aides clarity to ministry to make it more effective - cf. Acts 17

8 Church Growth vs. Market Growth
Ministry based in market research just to increase numbers will result in a toned down gospel Meeting felt needs of unbelievers can open the door for the gospel - if the gospel is primary When meeting felt needs overshadows the gospel, the gospel will be perverted or lost.

9 Church Growth vs. Market Growth
When the goal of the church is not on making disciples, it becomes weak and wimpy Barna’s statistical research shows that evangelicals match general society in morals, ethics and values Do such people believe the Biblical gospel or a perversion saving them from hell, but not sin?

10 Church Growth vs. Market Growth
Pragmatic ideas to get your best life now instead of changing you to be like Jesus is a false gospel Ear tickling false teachers Timothy 4:3-4 True teachers of God’s word Timothy 4:2,5

11 The Foundational Error
John 5:44 - men who seek honor from other men instead of the glory that comes from God The pressure to conform is great and perverts the true definition of success in righteous living. The pressure to make a small church grow can lead to doctrinal compromise

12 The Foundational Error
Without a humble heart a pastor can easily succumb to pride and wrong motives will mark his pursuits A greater danger occurs when the gospel is shifted from making disciples to selling tickets to heaven The “wide path” is marketed to the masses, while the narrow gate & path is proclaimed because it is true.

13 The Solution The Lord Jesus Christ builds His church & we are but His humble slaves Seek the Lord’s glory & not the honor of men Be gospel centered in outreach & discipleship centered with believers. Follow Jesus’ example in Matthew 19 and John 8

14 The Solution We are merciful & gracious speaking the truth in love, but never compromising the truth True success is being faithful in serving God to the best of our abilities.

15 Conclusions Is your quest to do likewise with whatever gift God has given you to serve Him? Do not fall victim to the idea that bigger is necessarily better nor let pride block your serving the Lord

16 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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