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Unit 1 Vocabulary Level B.

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1 Unit 1 Vocabulary Level B

2 adjacent adjective near, next to, adjoining

3 Our homes were adjacent to each other.

4 alight Verb- To get down from, step down from; to come down from the air or land Adjective- lighted up

5 The plane carefully alighted on the runway.

6 barren adjective not productive, bare

7 Most plants are unable to grow in barren climates.

8 disrupt Verb To break up, disturb

9 The children constantly disrupted their mother while she tried to read.

10 dynasty Noun A powerful family or group of rulers that maintains its position or power for some time

11 This drawing represents family members of an ancient Chinese dynasty.

12 foretaste Noun An advance indication, sample, or warning

13 The dark clouds were a foretaste of the rain that was to come.

14 germinate Verb To begin to grow, come into being

15 This picture shows the germination of a plant.

16 humdrum adjective ordinary, dull, routine, without variation

17 The man had a rather humdrum job and took a nap each day.

18 hurtle verb To rush violently, dash headlong; to fling or hurl forcefully

19 In the game of dodgeball, the object is to hurtle the ball at the other players.

20 insinuate verb To suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly

21 This sign insinuates that you are in the presence of an alligator

22 interminable adjective endless, so long as to seem endless

23 A runway is so long that it seems to be interminable.

24 interrogate verb To ask questions, examine by questioning

25 The suspect was interrogated by the police.

26 recompense Verb-To pay back; to give a reward
Noun- a payment for loss, service, or injury

27 The girls were recompensed for their hard work when they won first place.

28 Renovate Verb To repair, restore to good condition, make new again

29 This family has decided to renovate their living room.

30 Résumé Noun A brief summary; a short written account of one’s education, working experience, or qualifications for a job

31 This résumé would be used by someone who hopes to obtain a job.

32 Sullen adjective silent or brooding because of ill humor, anger, or resentment slow moving, sluggish

33 Poor Eeyore has such bad luck that he is always sullen.

34 Trickle Verb- To flow or fall by drops or in a small stream
Noun- a small, irregular quantity of anything

35 Water trickled out of the leaky faucet.

36 Trivial Adjective not important, minor; ordinary, commonplace

37 This game is called Trivial Pursuit because it has to do with useless facts.

38 Truce Noun A pause in fighting, temporary peace

39 When you call a truce, you agree to stop fighting.

40 Vicious Adjective evil, bad; spiteful
having bad habits or an ugly disposition

41 The vicious lion roared at anyone who came near her.

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