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Design a new cover for Alive

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Presentation on theme: "Design a new cover for Alive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design a new cover for Alive

2 Preliminary information you’ll need to know and use.
concrete noun: You experience concrete nouns through your five senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. If you cannot see, hear, taste, touch, or smell something, it is not a concrete noun. abstract noun: a noun denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object

3 Step 1. Develop a thematic statement
We’ll start with To Kill a Mockingbird. Fill in the following blank with one word only; that word must be an abstract noun. To Kill a mockingbird was about __________________.

4 Now we’ll try this with Alive
Alive was about __________.

5 Make a three themed thematic statement
Alive was about (abstract noun), (Abstract noun), and (abstract noun).

6 Step 2. Develop a subtitle
Most covers of Alive have “The story of the andes survivors” as the subtitle. Your subtitle should be your “claim” on the book (see example)

7 Step 3. add three (3) symbols from the novel; explain them on the back

8 See example on the screen
Not graded on artwork Use your best penmanship 30 points (ten each category) Due date??? Put your name on the back, please.

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