Jesse Keating Linux Fest Northwest 2008

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Presentation on theme: "Jesse Keating Linux Fest Northwest 2008"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesse Keating Linux Fest Northwest 2008
Fedora 9 Sneak Peek Jesse Keating Linux Fest Northwest 2008

2 Feature Process Open Submission
Review by Fedora Engineering Steering committee Cull the silly like “Add mp3 support!” or “Switch to the Hurd Kernel!” Require useful things like release notes material and contingency plans

3 “Hot Plug” X On the fly resolution changing Detection of new devices
Drag around multihead support


5 Upstart Replacement for SysVInit Allows event driven services
Service monitoring / restarting Currently using SysVInit compat mode

6 Encrypted Filesystems
cryptesetup and LUKS Checkbox at install time Anything but /boot Wide range of possible configurations


8 Partition Resizing Install time resizing FAT Ext2,3 NTFS


10 Firefox 3 (Beta 5) Beta 5 Snapshots to final after release
Runs on xulrunner Much faster, lower memory consumption Better “native” integration Printing dialog File navigation Icon theme



13 Xulrunner Provide Gecko engine for applications
Split browser away for better API/ABI stability

14 GDM Session agents in greeter Gnome-power-manager
PolicyKit and ConsoleKit aware D-bus API Better fast-user-switching support


16 GVFS GIO shared library API for gvfs
Gvfs backends for filesystems and protocols Provides fuse mounts for traditional applications

17 Live Persistence Overlay file Preserves changes between reboots
Includes package updates (except kernel)

18 NetworkManager Now default “Bring up the network” tool
Brings up system configured network interfaces at boot time Support for multiple active interfaces Allow system connection configuration editing Support for GSM/CDMA cards


20 PackageKit Cross platform/package management GUI project, more contributors vendor neutral Integration with PolicyKit for fine grained authorization


22 Clock Applet Improve support for multiple timezones/locations
Show more useful information day/night Geographic location weather


24 GCC4.3 Most Fedora packages recompiled for GCC4.3
Massive amounts of code bugs fixed due to effort

25 KDE4 KDE4 workspace default for KDE installs
Support for KDE3 applications Dramatically improved KDE experience

26 Yum Dramatically faster operation System configurable multilib policy

27 Questions?

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