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NRF ANT Test Min-ju Kang 2016.06.09.

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Presentation on theme: "NRF ANT Test Min-ju Kang 2016.06.09."— Presentation transcript:

1 nRF ANT Test Min-ju Kang

2 Index ANT Protocol Performance Test Power Consumption
Design based on ANT Further work

3 ANT Protocol Comparison of network Master Slave Same Channel
Different Channel M M M M ID1 Addr1 CH1 Addrn M M S S S CH2 S ID2 S Addr2 S S S M CHn IDn M N : 1 (X) 1 : N 1 : N N : 1 1 : 1 (O) Broadcast Shared Channel Multi - Channel

4 ANT Protocol Comparison of pros and cons Case Strengths Weaknesses
Needs Broadcast Can’t send specific slave. Shared Channel Can send specific slave in shared channel. (Data[0] ~ [1] : Address) 1. Slaves are assigned with same channel period. 2. After master must send slave with corresponsive address, The slave can send message to master. 1. Channel Type & Transmission Type : Shared. 2. Master and Slave have same channel period. 3. Use appointed address. Multi - Channel Can identify channel. Can configure different channel period. The number of channel is max 15. Open new channel.

5 Performance Test Time to receive first data
Time & Bandwidth during send 100 data per channel Multi / Shared M M Addr1 CH1 Addrn M S CH2 S Addr2 S S CHn M Shared Channel Multi - Channel

6 (Independent & Global Data)
Performance Test Channel Configuration – Multi channel Slave Master Channel Name Channel Number Channel Type RF frequency Transmission Type Device Type Device number Channel Period Network Number A 0x00 SLAVE 0x66 (2466MHz) (Wildcard) 0x01 4Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz (Public) B 0x02 C 0x03 A/B/C 0x00 MASTER 0x66 0x05 (Independent & Global Data) 0x01/ 0x02/ 0x03 4Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz (Public)

7 Performance Test Channel Configuration – Shared Channel Slave Master
txBuf[0] = 0x01 / 0x02 / 0x03 Channel Name Channel Number Channel Type RF frequency Transmission Type Device Type Device number Channel Period Network Number A 0x00 SHAREDSLAVE 0x66 (2466MHz) (Wildcard) 0x01 100Hz (Public) A 0x00 SHARED MASTER 0x66 0x02 (Shared Channel 1byte) 0x01 100Hz (Public)

8 Performance Test Time to Receive first data – Multi-channel Result
Channel Period Time 4Hz 1620ms (Max : 2900ms ~ Min : 400ms) 50Hz 284ms (Max : 1020ms ~ Min : 50ms) 100Hz 126ms (Max : 400ms ~ Min : 5ms) (Average : 9 count)

9 Performance Test Time & Bandwidth during send 100 data per channel - Multi-channel Channel Period : 100Hz Message Type :with Ack

10 Performance Test Result
Tx/Rx Period : 20ms <- expected value : 10ms Average : 3 number of Test Device Type Time [sec] Bandwidth [Kbps] Slave 1.996 3.21 1 Master 2.008 3.19 7.715 (Max : ~ Min : 6.755) 2.517 (Max : ~ Min : 2.192) 3 Master 5.194 (Max : ~ Min : 2.264) 1.524 (Max : 2.83 ~ Min : 0.82)

11 Performance Test Time & Bandwidth during send 100 data per channel - Shared Channel Channel Period : 100Hz Message Type :with Ack Result Device Type Time [sec] Bandwidth [Kbps] Slave 4.753 1.347 Master 4.701 1.361 (Average : 3 slave)

12 Power Consumption Graph Sleep Mode Master : uA Slave : uA

13 Power Consumption Graph Master Acknowledge : 1.66 mA
Broadcast : 1.24 mA

14 Power Consumption Graph Slave
Same power consumption regardless of channel period Open Channel : 1.73 mA

15 Power Consumption Graph Slave Acknowledge :1.07 mA
Broadcast : uA

16 Power Consumption Result Channel Period [Hz] State Data type
Device Type Average Power Nothing (Sleep) Master 21.71 uA Slave 22.80 uA 100 Open channel 1.73 mA Transmission Acknowledge 1.66 mA 1.07 mA Broadcast 1.24 mA uA 5 1.71 mA uA 71.26 uA 81.85 uA 65.62 uA

17 Design based on ANT Slim-Lite Master : Slim-Lite Slave : Mobile M S M
CH1 CH1 CH2 CH1 CH2 S S S S S S S S S CH1 : 5Hz, Anchor notify & Mobile request service CH2 : 100Hz, Services

18 Further work SPI on Slim-Lite Zigbee Network

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