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Ch. 18 The HEART


3 ASSIGNMENT: Most Of The Anatomy We Have Already Done In The Lab, So Make Sure To Do The * of slide 1 through 29. As I Will Likely Not Take The Time To Review This Material.

*1. *2. *3.


6 I. Heart Anatomy Midsternal line 2nd rib Sternum Diaphragm
*A. Size, Location, and Orientation *Size: *Location: *Orientation of Apex & Base STUDY QUESTION EXAMPLES: 1. Describe the Heart’s Size, Location, Orientation, Coverings, and Wall Layers Midsternal line 2nd rib base Sternum Diaphragm Point of maximal intensity (PMI) apex

7 B. Coverings of the Heart
2A Review See text p. 18 *Serous Membranes - *P_________ - *V_________ - *for Heart named: *Cavity - * and that cavity is in the M____________________ (page 665)

8 1. *Pericardium: Description = double-walled sac
B. Coverings of Heart … 1. *Pericardium: Description = double-walled sac Fibrous pericardium – Function: Protection & Anchoring Parietal pericardium Visceral Pericardium = epicardium = is the same as the Visceral Pericardium *Serous fluid: Outer Sac Inner Sac Figure 11.1a–b

9 The Heart = pump of the cardiovascular system
Superior vena cava Aorta Parietal pleura (cut) Pulmonary trunk Left lung Pericardium (cut) Apex of heart Diaphragm (c) Figure 18.1c

10 C. *Layers of the Heart Wall
1. *Epicardium 2. *Myocardium What type of tissue: 3. *Endocardium – endothelium: is what type of tissue Figure 11.2b

11 D. Fibrous Cardiac Skeleton (page 666)
Connective Tissue *Thickest in what areas and why? Electrical Characteristics: *Can action potentials pass through it? Importance: limits the spread of action potentials through the cardiac muscle to certain areas, or pathways (… in “III-A. Electrical Events”) 2. What is the Fibrous Skeleton and what is its purpose? Cardiac muscle bundles

12 E. Chambers and Associated Great Vessels Overview
*Atria: *Auricles *Ventricles: *Interatrial & Interventricular Septa: location & description? *Sulci = describe? Coronary Sulcus = Atrio- Ventricular Sulcus *Anterior Interventricular Sulcus: location? What is within it? *Posterior Interventricular Sulcus: same questions as above?

13 E. Chambers and Associated Great Vessels … 1. *Atria
*Pectinate Muscles Fossa Ovalis adult, indents in Foramen Ovale: hole with flap to bypasses RV & lungs in fetus Right *Superior Vena Cava: Blood from where to where? *Inferior Vena Cava: same? Coronary Sinus: collects blood from Coronary veins Left *Pulmonary Veins: from where to where?

14 2. *Ventricles& Blood & Vessels– 2 pumps
Right vs. Left *Shapes: *Thickness, why? *Trabeculae carneae *Papillary Muscles *Right: Pulmonary Trunk blood goes where? *Left: Aorta– Blood goes where? *Coronary Arteries: Branch of ? Blood goes where? 2. *Ventricles& Blood & Vessels– 2 pumps Figure 11.4

15 F. Pathway of Blood Through the Heart
1. 2 PUMP SYSTEM two circulations Blood Flow Direction: Pulmonary Circulation: Blood vessels from R Ventricle  Lungs  Left Atria Systemic Circulation: Blood vessels from Left Ventricle  Body  Right Atria Blood Vessels in Pathway: Sup & Inf Vena Cava & Coronary Sinus  RA  RV  Pulmonary Trunk  Pulmonary Arteries  Lungs  Pulmonary Veins  LA  LV Aorta  Cells & Coronary Arteries 5. Describe the path a blood cell would take starting with the Right Atria and ending back at the RA.

16 G. *Coronary Circulation =?
*Coronary Arteries: a) *Supply the heart muscle w what? b) *Branch from: 2. *Branches of the Left Coronary Artery = 3. *Branches of the Right Coronary Artery = Figure 11.2a

17 Left coronary artery Right coronary artery Right marginal artery
Aorta Left coronary artery Right coronary artery Right marginal artery Circumflex artery Anterior interventricular artery Posterior interventricular artery Figure 18.7a

18 (b) The major cardiac veins
Aorta G. Coronary Circulation … 5. Cardiac Veins - *Function? Coronary Sinus = pouch that collects deoxygenatied blood from the coronary veins Pulmonary Trunk Superior vena cava Great cardiac vein Anterior cardiac veins Coronary sinus Small cardiac vein Middle cardiac vein (b) The major cardiac veins Figure 18.7b

19 6. Homeostatic Imbalances STUDENTS DO
*Angina pectoris *Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)

20 3. Umbilical Cord with Umbilical Artery and Veins
H. FETAL CIRCULATION *Lungs are functional? 1. Alteration of Atrial Blood Flow Foramen Ovale After Birth = Fossa Ovalis Alteration of Blood Flow from Pulmonary Trunk Ductus Arteriosis duct moves blood out of Pulmonary trunck Ligamentum Arteriosum 3. Umbilical Cord with Umbilical Artery and Veins

21 I. Heart Valves 1. Function: prevent backflow of blood
2. * Atrioventricular (AV) valves—between what cavities? *Bicuspid (mitral) valve __________ side *Tricuspid valve ___________side Parts: Cusps, Chordae Tendinae, Papillary muscles *When ventricles contract: these valves do what? Students Do

22 *Parts: Describe and give function
H. Heart Valves … *Parts: Describe and give function Cusps Chordae Tendinae Papillary muscles *What happens to these valves when the atria and then the ventricles contract?

23 3. Operation of the AV valves
H. Heart Valves … 3. Operation of the AV valves Returning blood fills relaxed atria and ventricles– open AV valves AV valves open Ventricles (a) Figure 11.5a, step 1

24 Operation of the AV valves …
Returning blood fills relaxed atria and ventricles (open AV valves) Atria contract – more blood forced into ventricles– AV valves still open AV valves open Relaxed Ventricles (a) Figure 11.5a, step 2

25 Chordae tendineae prevent valve flaps from everting
Operation of the AV valves … Chordae tendineae prevent valve flaps from everting Ventricles contract, blood forced against AV flaps / into arteries AV valves close preventing backflow to atria (LUB of LUB-dup sound) (a) Figure 11.5a, step 4

26 H. Heart Valves … 4. Semilunar valves Function:
Pulmonary semilunar valve – __R_side Aortic semilunar valve – __L_side *When Ventricles contract, what happens to valve? 3 cusps each Figure 11.2c

27 5. Operation of the semilunar valves
Aorta As ventricles contract semilunar valves are forced open Pulmonary trunk Semilunar valve open (b) Figure 11.5b, step 1

28 All this to ensure that…
Operation of the semilunar valves … As ventricles relax, blood flows back from arteries, forcing semilunar valves to close All this to ensure that… Aorta Pulmonary trunk Semilunar valve open ‘dup’ of LUB-dup sound Semilunar valve closed (b) Figure 11.5b, step 2

29 II. Cardiac Muscle Fibers—Histology A
II. Cardiac Muscle Fibers—Histology A. Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac Cells *Review Skeletal Muscles (Text pages ) *Number of nuclei? *Sarcolemma = *Myofibrils = *Sarcoplasmic Reticulum = *Sarcomeres = *T-tubules = *Triads = Sarcomere Skeletal Muscle Cell Thick Myofilaments Thin Myofilaments Myofibrils Scaroplasmic Reticulum T Tubules

30 A. Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac Cells…
1. *Cardiac muscle cell characteristics: (text pp ) 2. Endomysium anchored to: Fibrous Skeleton . 3. T tubules: Fewer Triads? None . 4. SR simpler  Source of Ca+2: from outside cell 5. Mitochondria: Many & Large to resist fatigue Mitochondrion Intercalated disc Cardiac muscle cell T tubule Sarcoplasmic reticulum Z disc Nucleus Sarcolemma

31 A. Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac Cells …
6. *Intercalated discs = Desmosomes (tight anchoring) & Gap Junctions (help electrical stimulation to move quickly from cell to cell) 7. Functional Syncytium: as a single coordinated unit Autorhythmic Cells = Pace-Maker Cells: special self- excitable cardiac muscle cells Function: stimulates heart contraction 8. Long Absolute Refractory Period Function: to prevent tetany Desmosomes Gap junctions Intercalated discs

32 III. Heart Physiology A. Mechanism and Events of Contraction
1. *Review of Skeletal Muscle Cells *Depolarization-via AP Proceeds down T tubules Causing SR to release Ca+2 *Repolarization occurs while *Excitation-Contraction Coupling occurs Ca+2 attaches to Troponin Myosin Cross-bridges form Thin Myofilament slides inward Sarcomeres shorten Cells shorten  Muscle shortens *Na+-K+ pump redistributes ions & SR reabsorbs Ca+2

33 Have gap junctions between cells (intercalated discs)
2. Differences between skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction physiology– Cardiac cells have: Have gap junctions between cells (intercalated discs) Source of Ca+2: mostly extracellular through Ca+2 channels which then stimulate SR to release Ca+2 Supply of ATP: Aerobic Respiration only No Tetany Have Pace-Maker cells which initiate the contraction cycle Cells contract together as a unit Muscle Tension Skeletal Fibers Cardiac Cells

34 3. Mechanism and Events of Cardiac Cell Contraction
a. Stimulus: comes from Autorhythmic Cells  Pacemaker Potential b. Action Potential– initiated by Pacemaker Potential c. Depolarization in Cardiac Muscle Cells 1 in figure i) Na+ channels open ii) slow Ca2+ channels open  iii) Influx of extracellular Ca2+ causes Depolarization Na+ Slow Ca2+ Ca2+

35 d. Excitation- Contraction coupling
iv) Contraction begins as Ca+2 attaches to Troponin … v) Plateau Phase Ca+ channels slowly begin to close Contraction K+ channels closed e. Repolarization Ca channels close K+ channels open Ca+ pumped back to SR and extracellular Muscle Contraction ends Figure AP in Cardiac Muscle Cells 2 in figure 3 /Contraction Cardiac Muscle 3 in figure

36 d. Excitation- Contraction coupling …
f. Hyperpolarization– NO g. Na-K+ Pump redistributes ions and SR reuptake Ca+2 Figure AP in Cardiac Muscle Cells 3 /Contraction Cardiac Muscle

37 B. Electrical Pathway: 1. Setting the Basic Rhythum
III. Heart Physiology … B. Electrical Pathway: 1. Setting the Basic Rhythum a. Not Dependent on: Nerves b. Intrinsic Conduction System = Autorhythmic Cells: Non- Contractile & all linked together In SA node, these cells have an unstable resting potential due to leaking in of Na+ Functions: i) Initiate & Distribute Electrical Impulses ii) Coordinate and Synchronize Cardiac contractions SA Node AV Node

38 2. Sequence of Excitation
i) Sinoatrial (SA) node– Function: initiate contraction causing Atria to contract first Location: superior Right Atrium Intrinsic Rate: 100 = too fast: so vagus nerve slows it down to Normal 75 beats/min = Sinus Rhythm Moves to: AV node Atrioventricular (AV) node– functions: autorythmic cells are slow (0.1 s) to respond so Atria finish contracting Location: Interatrial septum, inferiorly and just above Tricuspid Valve

39 2. Sequence of Excitation …
iii) Atrioventricular Bundle = AV bundle (bundle of His)  Location: Very short in: Interventricular Septum iv) Bundle branches: carry impulses what direction: to bottom of Ventricles at Apex Purkinje fibers: Location: At apex and into Ventricular cardiac cells Function: Delivers electrical stimulations to ventricles which results in their contraction

40 Action potential succession during one heartbeat.
Superior vena cava Right atrium sinoatrial (SA) node (pacemaker) generates impulses. 1 Internodal pathway Impulses pause (0.1 s) at atrioventricular (AV) node. 2 Left atrium atrioventricular (AV) bundle connects atria to ventricles. 3 Purkinje fibers bundle branches conduct impulses thru interventricular septum. 4 Inter- ventricular septum Purkinje fibers depolarize contractile cells of both ventricles. 5 (a) Anatomy of the intrinsic conduction system showing the sequence of electrical excitation

41 A. Electrical Events … 5. Electrocardiography
= Picks up: Electrical activity of contractile & non-contractile cardiac cells i) Electrodes, Leads: pick up electrical activity Clinically: 12 leads ii) Electrocardiogram, ECG or EKG = 3-Lead: voltage difference between 2 points Vertical axis = voltage amplitude Horizontal axis = Time Figure 18.6 Electrocardiogram P = QRS = T =

42 An electrocardiogram (ECG a.k.a. EKG) tracing
QRS complex Sinoatrial node Ventricular depolarization Ventricular repolarization Atrial depolarization Atrioventricular node S-T Segment P-Q Interval Q-T Interval 0.1 Atria Contracting Ventricles Contracting

43 Sequence of deflection waves of an ECG tracing
Depolarization R Repolarization P T Q S Ventricular depolarization is complete. 4 R P T Q S Ventricular repolarization begins at apex, causing the T wave. 5 R P T Q S Ventricular repolarization is complete. 6

44 Electrocardiography …Waves & Intervals– sequence of
SA node Depolarization Repolarization P T Q S Atrial depolarization, initiated by the SA node, causes the P wave. 1 R AV node P T Q S With atrial depolarization complete, the impulse is delayed at the AV node. 2 R P T Q S Ventricular depolarization begins at apex, causing the QRS complex. Atrial repolarization occurs. 3

45 C. Heart Sounds: Valves Students do
Know: Heart Murmur Incompetent Stenotic Aortic valve sounds heard in 2nd intercostal space at right sternal margin Pulmonary valve sounds heard in 2nd intercostal space at left sternal margin Mitral valve sounds heard over heart apex (in 5th intercostal space) in line with middle of clavicle Tricuspid valve sounds typically heard in right sternal margin of 5th intercostal space

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