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Comparisons in Duffy’s Poetry

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1 Comparisons in Duffy’s Poetry

2 Compare Themes across the Volumes
Standing Female Nude (1985) Selling Manhattan (1987) The Other Country (1990) Mean Time (1993)

3 Comparison between Poems
Similarities/Differences Categories - Theme - Message/Ideas/Purpose - Atmosphere/Tone/Mood - Form/Structure - Techniques/Style

4 2009 Analyse Duffy’s poetic treatment of the past in Originally, The Captain of the 1964 “Top of the Form” Team and Litany.

5 2006 “Duffy’s character studies – the affectionate, the gently ironic, the bitingly satirical – always impress with the firmness of the poet’s control of tone.” Discuss with reference to three or four poems.

6 “In Carol Ann Duffy’s poetry, language is expressive of estrangement, but also of a constant reaching out into the phenomenal world.” Discuss three or four poems in light of this statement.

7 “Carol Ann Duffy’s interest in a reclamation of the self through memory, and her desire to reconstruct that self through a nostalgic recognition of a state, before language, that can never be articulated, or reclaimed, become a temporary escape from the world which she encounters.” Discuss three or four poems in light of this statement.

8 Process of Planning & Comparison
STAGE 1: Identify possible poems and select most appropriate

9 Process of Planning & Comparison
STAGE 2: Consider, holistically, Duffy’s treatment/purpose in relation to the focus of the task

10 Process of Planning & Comparison
STAGE 3: Pinpoint individual take/slant of each poem – look for nuances in meaning/purpose (this combined with stage 2 creates line of argument)

11 Process of Planning & Comparison
STAGE 4: Look for major areas of comparison = structural sections of argument (larger techniques/areas of poems – what Duffy does/uses to convey message)

12 Process of Planning & Comparison
STAGE 5: Narrow down each to consider specific use in individual poems (Key quotations/textual reference & areas of comparison/difference)

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