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(Soil Conservationist) USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service

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Presentation on theme: "(Soil Conservationist) USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Soil Conservationist) USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
1/15/03 SOIL (AV) Sam Vang (Soil Conservationist) USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service 4625 W Jennifer Ave, Suite 125 Fresno, CA 93722 Phone: (559) Ext. 3 - Fax: (559)

2 Why Is Soil Important? (Vim Licas Av Thiaj Yog Ibyam Tseemceeb?)
Produces food and fiber (Tsim zaubmov thiab ristsho) Foundation for roads and houses (Chaw teeb kev thiab vajtse) Provides minerals (iron/silica) (Txhawv khoom txhiamlaj txhiamxws) Important in photosynthesis (Kev ua-pa ntawm xyoobntoo nrojtsuag)

Why Is Soil Important? continued.. (Vim Licas Av Thiaj Yog Ibyam Tseemceeb?) Filters water (Lim tej dej hauv nruabtiv) Home to organisms (plants, animals, and others) (Ua lub chawnyob rau yamkhoom muajsia; xyoobntoo, tsiajtxhu, lwmyam) Waste decomposer (Pab tseev kom tej khoom povtseg lwj mus) ESSENTIAL NATURAL RESOURCE

4 What factors influence soil formation
What factors influence soil formation? (Dabtsi uarau av peemtsheej losmus ua av tau?)

5 Soil Forming Factors (Av Xeebtxawm Losntawm Ntauyam)
Parent Material (Zebtsuas losyog pobzeb) Climate (Huabcua dejnag) Living Organisms (Tej kab muajsia nyob hauv av) Topography (Tojroob hauvpes) Time (Ncua sijhawm losyog hnubnyoog)

6 What is soil made of? (Nyob hauv-av muaj dabtsi?)

7 Mineral (Khoom txhiamlaj txhiamxws)
The Four Components of Soil (Plaub Yamkhoom Uake Uas Peemtsheej Ua-av Tau) Air (Cua) 25% Mineral (Khoom txhiamlaj txhiamxws) 45% O.M. (Nrojtsuag lwj) % Water (Dej) 25%

8 What is soil texture? (Tej hom tsiav-av ne yog dabtsi?)

9 Different Sized Soil Particles (Cov Tsiav-av Sibtxawv)
Largest Sand Medium Silt Smallest Clay (Loj tshajplaws) (Suabzeb) (Nrab) (Av-tshauv) (Me) (Tseem-av)

10 Soil Textural Triangle (Lubcim Xabxeebkaum Qhia Cov Hom Ntsiav-av)

11 Tej Txheej Av Uas Sibteem Nyobrau Hauv Nruabtiv
Muaj nrojtsuag lwj ntau Pib muaj txhais-chiv sib me-ntsis Pib muaj txha-av Txha-av ntau R = Tob tshaj no rovhauv ces yog lagzeb losyog pobzeb lawn xwb

12 Question? (Puas Muaj Lusnug Dabtsi?)

13 Thank You! (Uatsaug!)

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