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Confirmation and Promotion

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Presentation on theme: "Confirmation and Promotion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confirmation and Promotion
2400 canal building June 23, 2017 9:00 am – 12:00 PM

2 Introduction and Agenda
Confirmation and Promotion Process The Dossier Denials and Appeals Speakers: Christal Côté Senior Grievance and Arbitration Officer Victor Lorentz Member Services and Communications Officer Pum van Veldhoven Grievance Chair and Instructor, Sociology and Anthropology Welcome! Introduce people. Going to be covering three things – process, dossier, denials and appeals. This is the new language introduced in 2014 – the one with unit standards. Comments on your packages: Include a number of documents: Timeline Dossier guidelines from FASS and Provost’s Office Example CVs Example Letters

3 Part 1: The Confirmation and Promotion Process
What happens? When? I’m going to start by talking about the tenure and promotion process.

4 Criteria – Confirmation (12.3.d)
Primarily based on evidence of teaching effectiveness or in carrying out duties in job description. Evidence of professional development and ‘conscientious performance of assigned non- primary duties’ is required unless teaching is ‘well above the norm’ Tenure is simultaneous with promotion in the 5th year of service. Criteria are slightly less stringent for tenure than for promotion. Listed in two places – in the unit standards and in the university criteria.

5 Criteria - Promotion (10.13.b)
For Instructor II: Teaching effectiveness at the norm shall be sufficient unless evidence of seriously deficient performance in other assigned areas of responsibility. For Instructor III: Teaching effectiveness, level of professional development and conscientiousness in performance of non-teaching duties at the norm. Tenure is simultaneous with promotion in the 5th year of service. Criteria are slightly less stringent for tenure than for promotion. Listed in two places – in the unit standards and in the university criteria.

6 Criteria – General (12.2) For both confirmation and promotion:
If there is no job description: focused on effectiveness as teachers. If there is a job description: focused on teaching effectiveness and effectiveness carrying out the job description. Conscientiousness in service and other duties is taken into account.

7 Criteria – General (12.2) Everything is subject to 12.2.f:
“In judging whether the performance of an Instructor employee in each of the areas of responsibility is more than satisfactory, satisfactory, or less than satisfactory, the judgements will be made relative to the levels of performance normal for an individual of the same rank and experience performing similar tasks in similar areas of responsibilities.” Essentially: you will be compared to colleagues doing the same work.

8 Professional Development
Evidence of professional development is found in: Selection of course materials showing intellectual development from year to year Academic work, both course-related and otherwise, published or in progress Formal study while employed at Carleton Activity in instructional development Each department has unit standards. These vary by department but outline what you need to do for tenure and promotion. Considered in conjunction with the university criteria.

9 Standard Timing - Confirmation
Preliminary Appointment Term Appointment 5th year of full time equivalent service 5th year of successive term appointments You will normally apply for tenure in the 5th year of service (so, work four full years and apply in the fall of the fifth). If you’re a lecturer, you choose whether you start your tenure clock at initial hire or conversion to Assistant. Part time appointees need to work FTE years. Term appointees must be considered for tenure if they work five successive years in term appointments. Notes An extension can be granted if preliminary appointees are considered in their 5th year. Must be confirmed in the 6th year or employment ends. Part time appointees must serve the full time equivalent years as appropriate.

10 Standard Timing - Promotion
Instructor II Instructor III 3rd year of service 4th year as Instructor II You will normally apply for tenure in the 5th year of service (so, work four full years and apply in the fall of the fifth). If you’re a lecturer, you choose whether you start your tenure clock at initial hire or conversion to Assistant. Part time appointees need to work FTE years. Term appointees must be considered for tenure if they work five successive years in term appointments. Notes Consideration outside of these timelines is not automatic.

11 Process (Confirmation)
September 30* Application October 31 Department November 30* Faculty December 31* Dean Process is similar for promotion. Need to send list of referees to Dean by July 1. After the faculty level, file goes to the University level. They have until April 15 to report. Provost informs you of promotion decision by May 1. *Not listed in the CA. Based on past practice.

12 Process (Promotion) Process is similar for promotion.
September 30 Application December 15* Department Before April 1* Faculty April 1 Dean Process is similar for promotion. Need to send list of referees to Dean by July 1. After the faculty level, file goes to the University level. They have until April 15 to report. Provost informs you of promotion decision by May 1. *Not listed in the CA. Based on past practice.

13 Departmental/School/Cluster Tenure and Promotion Committee (DTPC)
Established by September 30. Membership: Chair/Director plus at least four other faculty members. Representative of ranks, subject areas in department. Includes non- tenured members. Must include an instructor when an instructor is being considered. Chair of the Committee is chosen through procedures established by the department. The committee may include members from other departments. Possible Decisions (Confirmation) Confirmation be granted Confirmation be denied Possible Decisions (Promotion) Promotion Be Granted Promotion be denied Department committee is established by September 30. Includes at least Chair/Director and four other faculty. Encourage you to serve on this committee at least once. Committee will meet to review your application for tenure and promotion. Can grant, deny or give deferral for two years. Department committee assesses the candidate relative to the university criteria and the unit standards relative to the discipline/field of the candidate.

14 Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee (FTPC)
Dean establishes the committee by November 15 Membership Dean (Chair) Department Chairs/Directors One member from each DTPC Up to three members appointed by the Dean Possible Decisions (Confirmation) Confirmation be granted Confirmation be denied Possible Decisions (Promotion) Promotion Be Granted Promotion be denied FTPC is established by November 15. Can be a massive committee – for example in FASS – or can be fairly small. Determined by number of departments. Can also grant, deny, or defer. Faculty level is more arms length and stresses assessment from a more diverse and academically broader perspective.

15 Dean Committee recommendations go to the Dean.
Dean decides whether Instructor will receive confirmation. In event of a denial, letter will outline reasons for the denial. Candidates may submit additional information to the Dean (including referees) if they feel their case has not been adequately represented.

16 Questions?

17 Highlighting Your Accomplishments
Part 2: The Dossier Highlighting Your Accomplishments

18 Preparing the Dossier Discuss the decision to apply with:
Chair/Director Dean CUASA Meetings should normally be face to face. Talk to colleagues, volunteer for tenure and promotion committees.

19 Evidence of Your Work Evidence must be: Credible Genuine Arms Length
Padding or faking will only undermine the dossier. Genuine Arms Length

20 Dossier: Sample Table of Contents
Personal Statement Indicators of Professional/Community Service and Professional Interests Teaching Teaching Philosophy/Pedagogy/Innovation Teaching Scores EDC courses or other educational training Recent Curriculum Vitae

21 Anatomy of the Cover Letter
The cover letter should include two sections: Teaching Service Plus any other information you think will help make your case.

22 Curriculum Vitae The curriculum vitae includes: Education
Academic Employment Awards Publications Papers Presented

23 Curriculum Vitae The curriculum vitae includes: Research Grants
Service to the Profession Academic Responsibilities (graduate and undergraduate) Administrative Responsibilities and Committees Community Activities

24 Talking About Teaching
Teaching evaluation scores are very important. Peer evaluations are available if needed. EDC is always available to help with your teaching. Again, ask for help early!

25 Teaching Evaluation Scores
Provide clear tables of all teaching scores for designated courses. Include good non-designated scores. As of September 2015 courses are no longer designated – lowest score is automatically dropped. Chart number of different courses and different sections. Indicate if elective or core course. Identify the student body taking the course (if relevant)

26 Teaching Dossier Discuss your teaching philosophy / pedagogy.
Address innovations in your teaching.

27 Reflecting on Service Yes, service matters! It includes:
Service to the department, faculty, university and CUASA Service to the community Service to the profession Service to the scholarly community Professional achievement

28 Questions?

29 Facing and Overcoming a Denial
Part 3: The Appeal Facing and Overcoming a Denial

30 DECEMBER 31* APRIL 1 When will I know?
The final day to be notified of the confirmation decision is: DECEMBER 31* The final day to be notified of the promotion decision is: APRIL 1 Contact us immediately in the event of a denial. *This date is not listed in the CA – based on past practice.

31 Who do I contact? Contact either: Grievance Chair
Pum van Veldhoven Senior Grievance and Arbitration Officer Christal Côté x 8329

32 Confirmation Denial Timeline
Confirmation denials will follow the grievance process in Article 30.

33 Sample Promotion Appeal Timeline
By April 1: Provost informs candidate of decision. 15 working days: Candidate submits appeal documents. May 31: Last day for TPAC to render decision. June 15: Last day for President to notify candidate of TPAC result.

34 Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee (TPAC)
Appeals are heard by the Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee. Made up of ten faculty members. One member and one alternate from each faculty. At least one from each faculty must be a Full Professor.

35 Appeal Grounds Appeals can be made to TPAC on:
Procedural irregularity. Discrimination. Violations of Academic Freedom. Substantive grounds (issues with teaching, research and service) CUASA may only grieve decisions of TPAC on the first three.

36 Duty to Accommodate If any of the following may impact your progress, please contact CUASA: Mental or physical disabilities Health concerns (including extended sick leave) Family status Any other extenuating circumstances in your personal or professional life Do not wait until you encounter issues in the process – contact us early. Not going to go a lot into detail about this slide, but: If you have any personal situations that may attract the duty to accommodate, please contact CUASA early. It’s a lot easier for us to help you if we know ahead of time.

37 Questions?

38 Remember! CUASA is here to help with your tenure and promotion applications. Contact us anytime! (613) Dunton Tower

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