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What has BATOD been up to?

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Presentation on theme: "What has BATOD been up to?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What has BATOD been up to?
Heads of Sensory Support Services Conference University of Birmingham 18th June 2010

2 “Stronger Together” Working in closer collaboration with professional partners eg VIEW and NATSIP More sophisticated datasets on progress and ECM outcomes for deaf learners Development of the learning environment in schools for learners with hearing, visual or multi-sensory impairments More guidance materials for members

3 Changing Times! New government and economic climate – challenges and opportunities? Academies Pupil premium Social Partnership Impact of the loss of BECTA, QCDA and others “Stronger together” more important than ever!

4 How is BATOD? Aging but healthy!
Resurgence of SW Region & emerging East Region Recruitment drive to increase membership – every ToD to attract one new member to the profession Mean and lean –operationally!

5 NEC Structure 5 Workstreams – flexible and responsive
Quality Standards for Information Sharing Technology for Learning Partnerships – Policy and practice Continuing Professional Development Business and Administration

6 NEC Activities – beyond the jargon!
Quality Standards for Resource Bases with NDCS Establishing more formal links with VIEW Mentoring for newly qualified ToDs with course provider CPD support for lone ToDs BATOD Foundation – focus on classroom acoustics

7 NEC Activities Access arrangements for examinations with Ofqual
A new approach to language modification Leonardo partnership project and ToD competencies Development of the website – interactive opportunities eg DVDs Future opportunities with NASEN

8 NEC Activities Successful mental health bid
Deaf Education Support Forum chaired by National Executive Officer Key partner in NATSIP activities CRIDE survey development HOSS and ToD forums

9 The Future? Dialogue with DfE – needs of learners with sensory impairment high on the agenda Anticipatory and responsive “Stronger together” in partnership

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