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Sing nursery rhymes. Role play what’s happening with dolls and teddies

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1 Sing nursery rhymes. Role play what’s happening with dolls and teddies
Talking Calendar - December 2016 Compiled by Claire Hattersley, North Coast Region. Information gathered from ‘Oral Language Everyday’ (Bryan R Ward), ‘Language at Home’ (Bryan R Ward), ‘Talking: On the way to school’ (Sanchia Hopper) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 Talk about what has been happening - in the garden, at preschool, on TV. 4 5 6 7 Ask ‘when’ questions when reading stories 8 9 Talk about the functions of things e.g. You cut with a … 10 11 12 Talk about books, including print and illustrations. 13 14 15 Count as many different things as you can today 16 17 Accept and praise your child’s attempts to read 18 19 20 Talk about topics with the expectation that your child will listen and respond. 21 22 23 Ask your child to help you sort the washing before you put in the machine. 24 25 26 27 28 Allow your child time to play during bath time. Encourage them to tell you what they are doing. 29 Get into the habit of saying out loud what you or your child are doing in the kitchen 30 31 Play ‘I spy with my little eye’’ Talk about shapes and sizes of things Sing nursery rhymes. Role play what’s happening with dolls and teddies Talk about signs you see Make a shopping list together Show your child how to use the telephone and encourage them to call their grandparents Write as your child dictates Ask ‘where’ questions when reading stories Talk about why you like your Christmas presents! Talk about body parts during bath time

2 Talking Calendar – January 2017
Compiled by Claire Hattersley, North Coast Region. Information gathered from ‘Oral Language Everyday’ (Bryan R Ward), ‘Language at Home’ (Bryan R Ward), ‘Talking: On the way to school’ (Sanchia Hopper) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Play ‘Simon Says’ 2 3 4 5 6 Encourage children to brainstorm items’ names from particular categories. 7 8 9 10 11 Do a range of activities and ensure your child has a wide range of experiences to talk about. 12 13 14 15 Involve your child in hanging out the clothes. Give them directions 16 17 18 19 20 21 Talk about colours today 22 23 24 25 26 Talk about the steps you take in cooking activities, like making a sandwich 27 28 29 30 31 Talk about the steps you take in cooking activities Create an Outside environment that encourages exploration Encourage your child to talk with other children Cut out pictures of fruit, people, transport, clothing from magazines and glue them in groups in a scrapbook Talk about what things are used for in the kitchen Write a letter to someone in your family Prep Break up longer words into syllables/ beats. Clap once for each beat (eg. el-e-phant) Talk about the groups of food in your kitchen Talk about how clothes are different. Compare them e.g., ‘A shirt has short sleeves, a singlet doesn’t have any sleeves’

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