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Lecture Notes: Chapter 2

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1 Lecture Notes: Chapter 2
Types Lecture Notes: Chapter 2


3 Midterm 2011 נתונות הפרוצדורות foo ו-goo: (define foo (lambda (x) (display x) (newline) (+ x 2))) (define goo (lambda (x) (display 5) (newline) (+ x 1))) א. בחישוב של הביטוי > (foo (goo 0)) התקבל הפלט הבא על המסך: מהי שיטת החישוב של האינטרפרטר? סמן בעיגול תשובה יחידה. 1. applicative order 2. normal order

4 Types Recall values Type is a set of values that have stuff in common
Since every expression has a value, one can associate an expression with a type We can identify the type of an expression

5 Types: Why? Prevent nonsense computations Example:
> (+ ((lambda (x) x) (lambda (x) x)) 4) +: expects type <number> as 1st argument, given: #<procedure:x>; other arguments were: 4

6 Well Typeness & Well Typeness Rules
A set of rules that make sure the types of expression do not conflict Previous expression is not well typed

7 Another Example > (define x 4) > (+ 3 (if (> x 0) (+ x 1) 'non-positive)) 5 > (define x 0) > (+ 3 (if (> x 0) (+ x 1) 'non-positive)) +: expects type <number> as 2nd argument, given: "non-positive value"; other arguments were: 3 The if expression is no well typed.

8 Static and Dynamic Typing
Static: type checking before runtime Java, C#, C++, ML Dynamic: type checking at runtime Scheme, JS, Python

9 Type Classification Primitive Atomic Composite Built in
User cannot add new Atomic Sets of atomic values Composite Composed of others

10 Specification of a Type
Values Value constructor Identification predicates Equality predicates Operations

11 Atomic Types So far: Number, Boolean, Symbol and Void
Specifications: c’mone…

12 Composite Types So far: Procedure, Pair and List Type constructor

13 Procedure Types Type constructor: -> Value constructor: lambda
[t1 * … * tn -> t] denotes type of all n-ary procedures [Empty -> t] type of parameter-less procedures Value constructor: lambda ID predicate: procedure? Equality predicate: none Challenge is to find the type of the procedure

14 Pair Types Type constructor: Pair: Value constructor: cons:
Pair(t1, t2) Value constructor: cons: ID predicate: pair? Equality predicate: equal?

15 List Types Type constructor: Value constructor: cons, list
Homogeneous: List(t) Heterogeneous: List Value constructor: cons, list ID predicate: list? Equality predicate: equal?

16 Type Language for Scheme
We need a language to describe inferred types (and for writing contracts…) For simplicity we do not include union Tuple type: a composite type: Type constructors: *, Empty

17 BNF Grammar of the Type Language
Type -> ’Void’ | Non-void Non-void -> Atomic | Composite | Type-variable Atomic -> ’Number’ | ’Boolean’ | ’Symbol’ Composite -> Procedure | Pair | List Procedure -> ’[’ Tuple ’->’ Type ’]’ Tuple -> (Non-void ’*’ )* Non-void | ’Empty’ Pair -> ’Pair’ ’(’ Non-void ’,’ Non-void ’)’ List -> ’List’ ’(’ Non-void ’)’ | ’List’ Type-variable -> A symbol starting with an upper case letter פרוצדורה לא יכולה לקבל Void פרוצדורה לא יכולה להחזיר Empty.

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