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Pengantar Kecerdasan Buatan

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1 Pengantar Kecerdasan Buatan

2 Two-player games The object of a search is to find a path from the starting position to a goal position In a puzzle-type problem, you (the searcher) get to choose every move In a two-player competitive game, you alternate moves with the other player The other player doesn’t want to reach your goal Your search technique must be very different

3 Permainan yang melibatkan 2 orang berarti melibatkan juga unpredictable opponent
Search space game besar & biasanya ada batas waktu

4 Types of Games battleship Kriegspiel Not Considered: Physical games like tennis, croquet, ice hockey, etc. (but see “robot soccer”

5 Game Trees This is an example of a partial game tree for the game tic-tac-toe. Even for this simple game, the game tree is very large.

6 Minimax Minimax is a method used to evaluate game trees.
A static evaluator is applied to leaf nodes, and values are passed back up the tree to determine the best score the computer can obtain against a rational opponent.

7 Game Trees

8 Minimax – Animated Example
3 6 The computer can obtain 6 by choosing the right hand edge from the first node. Max 5 1 3 6 2 7 6 Min 5 3 1 3 7 Max 6 5

9 Properties of minimax Complete? Yes (if tree is finite). Optimal?
Can it be beaten by an opponent playing sub-optimally? No. (Why not?) Time complexity? O(bm) Space complexity? O(bm) (depth-first search, generate all actions at once) O(m) (backtracking search, generate actions one at a time)

10 Searching Game Trees Exhaustively searching a game tree is not usually a good idea. Even for a game as simple as tic-tac-toe there are over 350,000 (9!) nodes in the complete game tree. [9! If computer goes first, 8! If computer goes second] For chess : b ≈ 35 (approximate average branching factor) d ≈ 100 (depth of game tree for “typical” game) bd ≈ ≈ nodes!! exact solution completely infeasible It is usually impossible to develop the whole search tree.

11 Applying MiniMax to tic-tac-toe
The static heuristic evaluation function

12 Backup Values


14 −∞ means MIN wins. +∞ means MAX wins.

15 Alpha-beta Pruning A method that can often cut off a half the game tree. Based on the idea that if a move is clearly bad, there is no need to follow the consequences of it. alpha – highest value we have found so far beta – lowest value we have found so far

16 Another Alpha-Beta Example
Do DF-search until first leaf Range of possible values [-∞,+∞] [-∞, +∞]

17 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
[-∞,+∞] [-∞,3]

18 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
[-∞,+∞] [-∞,3]

19 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
[3,+∞] [3,3]

20 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
[3,+∞] This node is worse for MAX [3,3] [-∞,2]

21 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
, [3,14] [3,3] [-∞,2] [-∞,14]

22 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
, [3,5] [3,3] [−∞,2] [-∞,5]

23 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
[3,3] [3,3] [−∞,2] [2,2]

24 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
[3,3] [3,3] [-∞,2] [2,2]

25 Alpha-beta Algorithm Depth first search
only considers nodes along a single path from root at any time a = highest-value choice found at any choice point of path for MAX (initially, a = −infinity) b = lowest-value choice found at any choice point of path for MIN (initially,  = +infinity) Pass current values of a and b down to child nodes during search. Update values of a and b during search: MAX updates  at MAX nodes MIN updates  at MIN nodes Prune remaining branches at a node when a ≥ b

26 When to Prune Prune whenever  ≥ .
Prune below a Max node whose alpha value becomes greater than or equal to the beta value of its ancestors. Max nodes update alpha based on children’s returned values. Prune below a Min node whose beta value becomes less than or equal to the alpha value of its ancestors. Min nodes update beta based on children’s returned values.

27 Alpha-Beta Example Revisited
Do DF-search until first leaf , , initial values =−  =+ , , passed to kids =−  =+

28 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=−  =+ =−  =3 MIN updates , based on kids

29 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=−  =+ =−  =3 MIN updates , based on kids. No change.

30 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
MAX updates , based on kids. =3  =+ 3 is returned as node value.

31 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=3  =+ , , passed to kids =3  =+

32 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=3  =+ MIN updates , based on kids. =3  =2

33 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=3  =+ =3  =2  ≥ , so prune.

34 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
MAX updates , based on kids. No change. =3  =+ 2 is returned as node value.

35 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=3  =+ , , , passed to kids =3  =+

36 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=3  =+ , MIN updates , based on kids. =3  =14

37 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=3  =+ , MIN updates , based on kids. =3  =5

38 Alpha-Beta Example (continued)
=3  =+ 2 is returned as node value. 2

39 Alpha beta pruning example

40 Example -which nodes can be pruned? 6 5 3 4 1 2 7 8

41 Answer to Example -which nodes can be pruned? Max Min Max 6 5 3 4 1 2
7 8 Answer: NONE! Because the most favorable nodes for both are explored last (i.e., in the diagram, are on the right-hand side).

42 Second Example (the exact mirror image of the first example)
-which nodes can be pruned? 4 3 6 5 8 7 2 1

43 Answer to Second Example (the exact mirror image of the first example)
-which nodes can be pruned? Max Min Max 4 3 6 5 8 7 2 1 Answer: LOTS! Because the most favorable nodes for both are explored first (i.e., in the diagram, are on the left-hand side).

44 Checker Example Black to move, White = “Min”, Black = “Max”

45 Chess Evaluation Functions
Alan Turing’s f(n)=(sum of your piece values)- (sum of opponent’s piece values) More complex: weighted sum of positional features: Deep Blue has > 8000 features (IBM Computer vs. Gary Kasparov) Pawn 1.0 Knight 3.0 Bishop 3.25 Rook 5.0 Queen 9.0 Pieces values for a simple Turing-style evaluation function

46 Min Max another example


48 Alpha Beta Another Example

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