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Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Lending Patterns (HMDA): Cuyahoga County

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1 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Lending Patterns (HMDA): Cuyahoga County
Kyle Fee Regional Community Development Advisor February 15th, 2017

2 Disclaimer…. These are my views and not representative of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or the Federal Reserve System

3 Agenda Background and data National HMDA trends
Cuyahoga County HMDA trends Applications Originations Origination rates Average loan amounts Market share by Lender

4 Background HMDA requires many financial institutions to maintain, report, and publicly disclose information about mortgages. HMDA was originally enacted by Congress in 1975 and is implemented by Regulation C. The Dodd-Frank Act transferred HMDA rulemaking authority from the Federal Reserve Board to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on July 21, 2011. “Knowing your data” Loan level data that is aggregated geographically County level data from available Census tract level data available in Census tract boundary and naming changes from 2000 to 2010 boundaries in 2012

5 HMDA Data Census tract analysis focuses on 1-4 family, owner-occupied, first lien loans Applications 1-4 family (≈99% of all applications) First lien (≈ 85% of all applications) Owner occupied (≈ 90% of all applications) All combined (≈ 76% of all applications) Originations 1-4 family (≈99% of all originations) First lien (≈ 89% of all originations) Owner occupied (≈ 90% of all originations) All combined (≈ 80% of all originations)

6 Tract Status Low-income = a median family income (MFI) of <50%
Moderate-income = a MFI of at least 50% and <80% Middle-income = a MFI of at least 80% and less than 120% Upper-income = a MFI of at least 120%

7 HMDA National Trends

8 Mortgage Applications & Originations
Millions Applications Originations Source: HMDA

9 Home-Purchase Originations (1-4 family)
Conventional FHA FSA – Farmer service Agency RHS- rural housing service VA FSA/RHS Source: HMDA

10 Share of Nonconventional Home Loans by Borrower Income*
Percent Low or Moderate Middle Upper Source: HMDA; * same pattern holds for neighborhood income

11 2015 Home-Purchase Originations (1-4 family)
Percent Source: HMDA

12 Share of Lending by Institution Type, 2015
Home purchase loans Higher priced conventional loans Source: HMDA

13 Cuyahoga County Trends


15 Total Applications, Cuyahoga County (All liens)
Thousands Source: HMDA

16 Applications per 1,000 Housing Units By Neighborhood Income
Number Upper Middle Moderate Low Source: HMDA

17 Source: HMDA

18 Total Originations, Cuyahoga County (All liens)
Thousands Source: HMDA

19 Total Originations County Wide (All liens)
Thousands Percent 30 year fixed mortgage rate (right axis) Refinance Purchase Home improvement Source: HMDA

20 Loan Purpose by Neighborhood Income
Low Middle Home improvement Home improvement Refinance Refinance Home purchase Home purchase Moderate Upper Home improvement Home improvement Refinance Refinance Home purchase Home purchase Source: HMDA

21 Total Originations by Neighborhood Income
Thousands Upper Middle Moderate Low Source: HMDA

22 Source: HMDA

23 Total Origination Rate County Wide
Source: HMDA

24 Origination Rates By Neighborhood Income
Upper Middle Moderate Low Source: HMDA

25 Source: HMDA

26 Cuyahoga County Mortgage Origination Dollars
Average loan amount (Left axis, Thousands) 1-4 family, owner-occupied, first lien originations (Right axis, Billions) Source: HMDA

27 Total Origination Dollars by Neighborhood Income
Millions of Dollars Upper Middle Moderate Low Source: HMDA

28 Average Loan Amount by Neighborhood Income
Thousands of Dollars Upper Middle Moderate Low Source: HMDA

29 Source: HMDA

30 Aggregate Statistics by Neighborhood Income, 2012-2015
Percent of County tracts Percent of Originations (#) Percent of Originations ($) Low 25.0 2.0 1.4 Moderate 27.0 9.5 5.8 Middle 26.0 37.4 26.3 High 22.0 51.0 66.4 Source: HMDA

31 Source: HMDA

32 Source: HMDA

33 Cuyahoga County Market Share, 2012-2015 (#)
Source: HMDA

34 Cuyahoga County Market Share, 2012-2015 ($)
Source: HMDA

35 Concluding Thoughts HMDA trends in Cuyahoga County mirror National trends Well off (60-70%) peak levels of applications and originations Increasing importance of unconventional loans, especially to low-mod income neighborhoods Rise of independent mortgage company Lending activity outcomes correlated with neighborhood income levels Significant geographic variation of lending activity outcomes within Cuyahoga County

36 Concluding Thoughts Continued
Composition of originations has changed; 60/40 in favor of home purchases Origination rates have been relatively constant since 2004 Loans in low income neighborhoods account for just 2% of total county originations with a majority taking place in 6 low income tracts Third Federal Savings and Loan is the largest mortgage lender in the county over the past 4 years.


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