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Leadership 999 The Autoimmune Church

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1 Leadership 999 The Autoimmune Church
Gina S. Brown, Ph.D. Loma Linda University North American Division

2 Task Characteristics and traits of good Christian Leaders
Practical information on how to be a better leader

3 Next Steps Assessment Planning Implementation Evaluation
Evaluation of what a good leader is and what a good leader is not The Church and it’s relationship to the body

4 The Church and it’s relationship to the Body

5 Autoimmune Leadership
What is an autoimmune disease? Immune Response Hypersensitivity Reaction A reaction to “normal” body tissues

6 Autoimmune Leadership
Symptoms of “Sick” leadership Fatigue Fever General ill-feeling (malaise) Church services are tired and boring Leadership meetings and ideas are “status quo” No one wants to be involved Lack of unity within the confines of leadership

7 Autoimmune Leadership
A description of an Autoimmune Church: Antigens = Competitive Bacteria = Entitled Viruses = Fear Toxins = Confusion Cancer Cells= Shortcuts

8 Autoimmune Leadership
Autoimmune disorders may result in: The destruction of one or more types of body tissue Leadership ideas that are not “traditional” Thinking that is “outside of the cubicle”

9 Autoimmune Leadership
Abnormal “GROWTH” of an organ Church Services that are not held at 11am and do not fit the normal profile of the SDA Church …. Leadership styles that are fresh and exciting, and still follow the 28 fundamental beliefs….

10 “Side Effects” Lack of Servant Attitude The first shall be last…
The lowest seat… Servant Leadership Relationships (lack of) The Golden Rule

11 Treatment for Autoimmune Leadership
Reduce symptoms Control the autoimmune process Maintain the body’s ability to fight disease

12 “Treatment Protocols”
Why Unity in Leadership? To promote Kingdom Building To present a United Front To fight against those who oppose the Kingdom

13 Treatment Protocols What principles and factors makes a good leader?
Leadership 999 A “God” Leader W “H”olistic Care Medications and Treatments

14 Leadership 999 God’s calling of a leader matches His empowerment. This means that leaders must be fully equip, (Academically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc.) to stand before His people.

15 Leadership 999 In order to garner appropriate unity; Leaders must expect criticism and sometimes must confront. Leaders must not only endure change, but must create change. Effective leaders identity with the sins and failures of their people.

16 A “God” Leader Leaders can be compared to both watchmen and shepherds.
Great leaders never lose their ability to empathize. Successful leaders find memorable and creative ways to communicate truth.

17 W “H” holistic Care Vitamins Blood Transfusions Supplements Injections
“H” = The Holy Spirit

18 Vitamins: The Visioning of Unity
Leaders must cling to their God given vision even when the people stray. Leaders must spend constant time and attention in communion with God to find out what the vision should be.

19 Blood Transfusion Poor Leadership Undermines Unity
Bad leaders do exist in the church, how do we address this? Move, Remove, Adjust, Change, Treat

20 Supplements: “God” Leaders
Teachability: to keep leading, keep learning. Righteous leaders with integrity can remain optimistic. Responsibility: Like it or not, the buck stops with the leaders. Responsibility is foundational for true unity within the sphere of leadership.

21 Injections “God” Leaders
Speaking hard truth without compromise. Jeremiah 8:1-13 Attitude: leaders don’t get lost in the problems. Jeremiah 12:1-4 What happens to leaders who mislead and damage others? Jeremiah 14:14-16

22 Solutions for the Church Leader
Polarity Management Solutions for the Church Leader

23 Leadership Brings….. Problems Temptations

24 True Unity Allows for Connection
The law of connection: leaders must achieve reception, not rebellion

25 But …….The Blood of Jesus …..
Prevention “There is no known prevention for most autoimmune disorders”. But …….The Blood of Jesus …..

26 Conclusion With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:6-8 It doesn’t matter what your level of leadership is, you can be in any position, be it high or low, but God calls us to act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly before Him. This is the true characteristic of a “Godly” Leader.

27 References The Holy Bible
Davis, Hellen. (2004). The 21 Laws of Influence. Indaba Press. Covey, Stephen. (2004). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press. Maxwell, John. (2002). Leadership 101. Thomas Nelson Publishers Maxwell, John. (2007). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You. Thomas Nelson Publishers Herbold, Robert. (2004). The Fiefdom Syndrome. The Turf Battles that Undermine Careers and Companies and How to Overcome Them. Currency Books. Medline Plus. Medline.

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