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Introduction to Terms and Connectors

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1 Introduction to Terms and Connectors

2 Anxiety over Terms and Connectors Searching
Beginning and experienced researchers alike often shy away from Terms and Connectors searching because “it has to be exactly right or it won’t work”; or “the rules about which connector to use and the order of processing are too complicated.” Neither perception is true. It does take a little thought to construct an effective Terms and Connectors search, but this type of search is based on simple rules and logical choices, not higher mathematics.

3 Why Use Terms and Connectors Searching
All databases on Westlaw can be searched using Terms and Connectors. Most, but not all, databases can be searched using Natural Language. Terms and Connectors searching is very precise.

4 When to Use Terms and Connectors Searching
you are looking for particular terms; you are searching for a particular document; or you need all documents containing specific information, such as all cases classified under a particular key number, all newspaper articles that mention a specific company, or all statutes containing a particular term.

5 Steps in Constructing a Search: ITAC Method (Issue, Terms, Alternatives, Connectors)
1. Clearly state the ISSUE, using legal terminology when possible. (Stating your issue as a question is a good way to clarify your thoughts.) Is a social host liable for injuries caused by his intoxicated guests?

6 Steps in Constructing a Search: ITAC Method
2. Select a few key TERMS from your issue. (Using three to five key terms works well for most issues.) host injury intoxicated guest or host intoxicated guest

7 Steps in Constructing a Search: ITAC Method
3. Enter reasonable ALTERNATIVE terms for your key terms. (Use acronyms and antonyms as well as synonyms.) A term that may seem to have little relationship to a key term may be a reasonable alternative. The host of a party could be a corporation, an association, or a club. host intoxicated guest hostess drunk attendee corporation D.U.I invitee association D.W.I. club sober

8 Steps in Constructing a Search: ITAC Method
4. Add appropriate CONNECTORS to specify the relationship you want each term and its alternatives to have to the other terms and their alternatives. host hostess /p intoxicated or drunk or alcohol /s guest

9 Steps in Constructing a Terms and Connectors Search: the ITAC Method
Issue is defined in legal terminology. Terms that are essential are selected. Alternatives terms that are reasonable are selected. Connectors that connect the terms in reasonable relationships are added.

10 Once you get the hang of Terms and Connectors searching, it’s fun.

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