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Persuasive Writing By Bree Rolfe.

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1 Persuasive Writing By Bree Rolfe

2 Persuasive Essay An essay that states your stance on a particular issue. Basically, it is a an essay that offers a solution to a problem.

3 Intr o: Pr esent the pr oblem or situation. T a k e s t n d ! Reason #1 for position Reason #3 for position Reason #2 for position esent a logical solution. Recap the staff stance.

4 The HEAD of our Essay For example:
Almost every day on the morning announcements, Ms. MacInnis reminds the students to clean up after themselves during the mega-lunch. However, not all students are helping keep the school clean and safe.

5 The NECK of our Essay For example: Students need to take pride
What is your opinion??? For example: Students need to take pride in their school and treat it with respect.

6 The BODY of our Essay Give three reasons why you are taking your stand. First of all, the custodians clean all day long and are some of the hardest working people in the school. 2. Also, as Ms. MacInnis has stated many times, trash on the ground is a safety hazard. 3. Finally, a school that is not clean reflects badly on its students and faculty.

7 An ARM of our Essay Support your arguments with evidence and examples. Your English teachers call this elaboration. Finally, a school that is not clean reflects badly on its students and faculty. There are often visitors touring our school, such as representatives from prestigious universities, like the University of Texas, that come for college fairs, and we do not want to make a bad impression.

8 The other ARM of our essay
Opposing viewpoints are rebutted. You shut down the opposition. Some people think that it’s the custodians job to pick up trash. However, a custodian’s job involves much more than cleaning. They have to maintain the building. If they are swamped with having to clean up student’s trash, they can’t do other things like change light bulbs in classrooms, move furniture and paint.

9 One LEG of our essay If you are going to complain about something, you must have a better way of doing it. Students who are caught littering or not cleaning up their debris from lunch or breakfast, should receive a consequence such as a written warning and, for chronic offenders, a lunch detention where they have to assist the custodians in collecting trash.

10 The other LEG of our essay Students need to take a more active role
in helping to maintain the schools appearance. Students should encourage one another to be both responsible and respectful by cleaning up after themselves.

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