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(Inheritance Patterns)

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2 (Inheritance Patterns)
UNIT 8: HEREDITY (Inheritance Patterns) Copy all words, unless otherwise indicated. Do NOT copy any pictures or diagrams, unless otherwise indicated. Notes must be copied in 2-column style. Leave room under each essential question for a SUMMARY.

3 ESSENTIAL QUESTION #1– How do Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment help us analyze patterns of inheritance? Hook Video DNA/Genetics

4 Mendel’s data revealed patterns of inheritance.
Mendel made three key decisions in his experiments. 1. use of purebred plants 2. control over breeding 3. observation of seven “either-or” T________

5 Mendel’s Experimental Design
Mendel used P______ to fertilize selected pea plants. P generation crossed to produce F1 generation F1 generation crossed to produce F2 generation (See next slide) interrupted the self-pollination process by removing male flower parts (read, but don’t copy) Mendel controlled the fertilization of his pea plants by removing the male parts, or stamens. He then fertilized the female part, or pistil, with pollen from a different pea plant.

6 Mendel allowed the resulting plants to self-pollinate (to produce the F2 generation.)
Among the F1 generation, all plants had purple flowers F1 plants are all heterozygous Among the F2 generation, some plants had purple flowers and some had white

7 MENDEL’S CONCLUSIONS. Traits are inherited as discrete units. (separate from one another.) Independent Assortment: Organisms inherit t__ copies of each gene, one from each parent. Law of segregation: The two copies segregate (meaning of segregate:_______) during g______ formation. L.O.S. VIDEO purple white

8 LAW OF SEGREGATION Review & decide whether you need to copy!
Remember when we studies MEIOSIS, the formation of S_______ C________ (gametes)? We learned that each S______ or E______ receives the gene for each trait from EITHER mom or dad! Now write your summary for EQ #1!

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