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Unit 5 Conflict and Change Study Guide

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1 Unit 5 Conflict and Change Study Guide
What was the lasting impact of the Cuban Revolution on the people of Cuba? Less political freedom for Cubans Who was the leader of the Cuban Revolution? Fidel Castro What type of government and economy did Castro bring to Cuba? Communism and a command economy How did the Cuban Revolution impact relations with the United States? The U.S. enforced a trade embargo on Cuba. Who was the man that began the Zapatista guerilla movement in southern Mexico? Emiliano Zapata Why did the Cuban Revolution take place in 1959? Political unrest in Cuba for most of the 20th century Why did the indigenous people of Chiapas feel that they were being treated like second class citizens? Colonialism and the caste system it created never had truly been removed Why did the Zapatistas revolt in 1994? They believed the NAFTA agreement would only make the conditions for indigenous people worse. What changes did the Zapatistas want? Improved rights and living conditions What was the impact of the Zapatista guerilla movement? Mistreated people from other countries were inspired by the actions of the Zapatistas. What were the political outcomes of the Zapatista guerilla movement in 1994? There was a cease fire but no true changes in government were made even though there were promises made to the Zapatistas. What was the Cuban Revolution? It was a revolt that overthrew the dictatorship of Batista. What was the lasting impact of the Cuban Revolution on Cuba and the surrounding countries? Communism, command economy, poor relations with the U.S., and limited citizen participation in government for the people of Cuba

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