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Goods and services tax in India

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1 Goods and services tax in India

2 What would be the tax rate?
The 3 perennial questions Will GST be a reality? If yes, when? What would be the tax rate?

3 GST History and Roadmap
Government’s Action steps Industry’s Action steps Announcement of GST 2006 First Discussion Paper 2009 First Amendment Bill 2011 Second Amendment Bill Dec-2014 Bill passed by Lok Sabha May-2015 Select Committee provided report on Bill Aug-2015 4 reports on Business processes published by CBEC Oct-2015 Stakeholders to provide comments on 4 reports Bill to be passed by Rajya Sabha Majority States to ratify the Bill Jun-2016 GSTN portal to be made ready GST Laws and Rules to be made public Jul-2016 Stakeholders to provide comments on GST law ERP patches to be made ready by ERP service providers GST laws to be passed by Parliament and State Legislatures Sep- 2016 ERP service providers to fine tune patches GSTN portal to be fine tuned Nov- 2016 Customization of ERP systems to be done by industry Introduction of GST Jan-2017 Implementation of GST Estimates

4 implementation partner/ MSP
Milestones for GST implementation June 2016 GST to go live Constitution Amendment Bill Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha State approvals Presidential assent GST Law Drafting of law Public consultation Release of final law GSTN infrastructure Overall design Selection of implementation partner/ MSP Baseline version development & rollout Completed Pending In progress Current status Salient features GST will be applicable on all Good and Services* GST will cover all indirect taxes including Excise, Service tax and VAT Dual GST applicable for the centre (CGST) and states (SGST) Integrated GST (IGST) applicable on inter-state transactions * Except few items like Alcohol and some petroleum products

5 Additional Excise Duties Entertainment/ Luxury Tax
Proposed GST structure Indirect taxes proposed to be subsumed in GST CGST SGST IGST Service Tax CST CVD/ SAD Additional Excise Duties Central Excise Duty Central Levies Entry Tax + Octroi VAT Entertainment/ Luxury Tax GST State Levies

6 Revenue Neutral Rate of GST
Report of Chief Economic Advisor on RNR RNR 15%-15.5% Low rate goods 12% Standard rate 17 to 18 % High rate goods 40% Precious metals 2%-6% The Report on Revenue Neutral Rate and Structure of Rates for the Goods and Services Tax was released by Chief Economic Advisor on 4 December 2015 Some important recommendations: Real estate, electricity, power to be subsumed in GST No or lesser exemptions to continue in GST regime Concept of rate bands would create complexity 1% additional tax to be eliminated

7 Reports on : Registration process Return process Refund process
Reports on Business processes Reports on : Registration process Return process Refund process Payment process

8 Electronic- hence fast and accurate Dual control and review
Common features of the Reports Electronic- hence fast and accurate Dual control and review System dependencies Lesser interaction with authorities Objective to increase tax revenue

9 IT System of States and Centre Jurisdictional Officer
Registration report- Procedure for registration of new dealers Registrant Fill data, upload scanned documents and submit application on Portal Send message for confirmation to registrant through and SMS Confirm application Acknowledgement generated and intimated to registrant Sign summary extract of application- either digitally or by hand and send to CPC through Portal Validation of PAN, Adhaar No, CIN etc. Forward application to IT system of State/ Centre authorities Forward application to jurisdictional officer based on location of principal pace of business Examine application and respond to Portal within 3 working days If application is fine or in case of any query, communicate to Portal within 3 working days If any query, respond to Portal within 7 working days Respond within 7 days to information/ clarification provided Generate RC, Log in ID and password and send to registrant GST 1 2 3 4 5 IT System of States and Centre 6 7 Jurisdictional Officer 8 9 10 11 12 13

10 Sales summary Purchase summary Sales summary Tax payment summary
Return report- Key features Supplier A B Sales summary Purchase summary Sales summary GSTR -1 GSTR -2 GSTR -1 Tax payment summary GSTR -3

11 Types of returns GSTR 1 – Outward Supplies made by Taxpayer (other than compounding and ISD) GSTR 2 – Inward Supplies received by Taxpayer (other than compounding and ISD) GSTR 3 – Monthly return by Taxpayer (other than compounding and ISD) GSTR 4 – Quarterly return by Compounding Taxpayer GSTR 5 – Periodic return by Non-Resident Taxpayer GSTR 6 – Monthly return for ISD GSTR 7 – Monthly return for Tax Deducted at Source GSTR 8 – Annual return ITC, Cash and Tax ledger

12 Refund situations in GST regime
Refund report- Situations where refunds would arise Refund of Pre-deposits for filing an appeal and arising due to Appellate Order Payment of tax during investigation Refund on purchases by UN bodies, CSD Canteen Finalization of Provisional Assessment Year end / Volume based incentives Export (including deemed Exports) Refund of Carry Forward ITC Refund situations in GST regime Excess Payment of Tax due to Mistake Tax Refunds for International Tourists

13 Payment report- Key Features
Key Features of the Payment Process: Transparent, responsive and simple process for payments; Payment system should be based on information technology; All taxpayers to gradually move to internet payment; Uniform system of banking arrangements; Electronic reconciliation of all receipts; All payments to be made through a common portal i.e. GSTN.

14 Thank you Mr. Dilip Dixit 9892117117
© 2016 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name, logo and "cutting through complexity" are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.

15 Manufacturing operations (Sale) – Current scenario
Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Pre GST Illustration Exports are tax free Excise CST Inter-State Raw material CVD/SAD Excise Customer* Factory Finished goods Import of goods CST Excise VAT For OEM customers Excise Credit could be available and CST could be at reduced rate Local Raw material Full Credit Service Tax No Credit Services

16 Exports would remain tax free
Manufacturing operations (Sale) – GST scenario Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Post GST Illustration Exports would remain tax free IGST Inter State Raw material IGST IGST Customer Factory Finished goods Import of goods CGST SGST Local Raw material Full Credit *GST Services Additional tax of 1 percent on inter-State sale of goods is proposed * On services, IGST would be levied on import and inter-State services where as CGST and SGST would be levied on intra-state services

17 Manufacturing operations (Stock Transfer) – Current scenario
Pre GST Illustration Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Exports are tax free Excise CST Distributor Inter State Raw material VAT CVD/SAD Excise Warehouse Stock transfer Factory Finished goods Import of goods No VAT Excise VAT For OEM customers Excise Credit could be available Local Raw material Full Credit Service Tax Partial Credit ( After Retention) Services No Credit

18 Exports would remain tax free
Manufacturing operations (Stock Transfer) – GST scenario Post GST Illustration Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Exports would remain tax free IGST Distributor CGST Inter State Raw material IGST IGST SGST Stock transfer Warehouse Factory Import of goods Finished goods CGST SGST Local Raw material Full Credit *GST Services GST rate is assumed to be 20% Additional tax of 1 percent on inter-State sale of goods is proposed * On services, IGST would be levied on import and inter-State services where as CGST and SGST would be levied on intra-state services

19 Impact on company's finance
Impact on cash flow that can effect working capital requirements Other probable impact areas Tax costs reduced Gross sales realization Increase in tax on import CST abolished Octroi/entry tax to be ceased Customs education cess to be ceased May go up in case of goods May go down in case of services Tax on stock transfer Increase in tax on services On compliances Others Reduction in tax on goods Simplified IT based compliances Two governments for service sector No centralized registration SEZ/EOU/EHTP/STPI benefits State incentive schemes Simplified valuations methodology No need for statutory declaration forms Change in tax payment due dates Exemptions likely to convert into refunds Reduced refund situations

20 Indicative Impact for different businesses
1 2 3 Management Philosophy Manufacturer 1 Service provider Trader Possible reduction in tax outflows due to change in tax rate [Excise + VAT vs GST] Increase in cash outflow due to change in tax rates Decrease in tax cost due to credit on services Reduction in tax cost on account of VAT credit Increase in cash outflow due to taxability of inter-State stock transfers No retention of input tax credit on stock transfers Increased compliances due to compulsory State specific registrations Conversion of area - based exemptions into cash refund Increase in cash outflow due to taxability of branch transfers Cash flow issues for STP/SEZ units Discontinuation of existing concessions and exemptions such as sale in the course of import, sale in-transit, etc. Option to operate from multiple depots since CST no longer a cost Centralized registration? Manufacture/assembly/repacking without any change in the business model Complex methods of valuation may be done away with Discontinuation/change in disbursement of State incentives Possibility of ease in classification

21 Other probable impact areas
Impact on value chain Impact on IT Other impacts Revisiting sourcing mix viz. local/interstate/imports Vendor/Customer price renegotiation Choice of location for setting up factories Manufacturing arrangement (i.e. own/job-work/contract manufacturing) Warehousing strategy Logistics Pricing decisions ERP version check and need to determine if the vendor can support the current version of ERP [ Eg. TAX INJ to Tax INN version of SAP] Relevant business scenarios to be mapped in the system for broad GST coverage Need for addition/modification /omission of certain data fields Changes in the in-built logic for computation of some data fields MRP based levy likely to be discontinued Diverse taxable events simplified under GST; however could lead to cash flow and commercial impact Place of supply rules; change on basis for determining taxability and identifying the State to deposit tax

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