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Template and style guide

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Presentation on theme: "Template and style guide"— Presentation transcript:

1 Template and style guide
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Phase 1 – Competition entry template Entries close 14 March 2016

2 (Instructions – Do not insert additional slides – there is an allocation of two slides per question Adhere to the formats shown in brackets You may delete all formats shown in brackets prior to submission Your submission must not exceed 5MB in size (Insert School name - Arial Narrow Bold 36pt) (Insert Team Name - Arial Narrow Bold 36pt) (Insert name of submission - Arial Bold 20pt) PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

3 What is the innovative idea or concept?
(Sub heading - Arial Narrow Bold 20pt) (This section should describe your idea; how + why did you come up with the idea; Why is it innovative?) (Bullet body - Arial regular 16pt) PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

4 What is the innovative idea or concept? (continued)
(Sub heading - Arial Narrow Bold 20pt) (Bullet body - Arial regular 16pt) PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

5 What is the problem/challenge you are solving?
(Sub heading - Arial Narrow Bold 20pt) (This section should describe what problem, if any, will it be a solution for; How/Why did you recognise this as a challenge?) (Bullet body - Arial regular 16pt) PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

6 What is the problem/challenge you are solving? (continued)
(Sub heading - Arial Narrow Bold 20pt) (Bullet body - Arial regular 16pt) PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

7 How does the idea or concept impact the community?
(Sub heading - Arial Narrow Bold 20pt) (This section needs to describe how your idea will impact the community and what aspects of the community – eg a Council App allows the community to report graffiti meaning cleaner suburbs) (Bullet body - Arial regular 16pt) PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

8 How does the idea or concept impact the community? (continued)
(Sub heading - Arial Narrow Bold 20pt) (Bullet body - Arial regular 16pt) PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

9 (Insert photos, graphics, drawings or link to optional 30second video)

10 (Insert photos, graphics, drawings or link to optional 30second video)

11 Contact details: Website: PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

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