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Automating AD Administration with Windows PowerShell

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Presentation on theme: "Automating AD Administration with Windows PowerShell"— Presentation transcript:

1 Automating AD Administration with Windows PowerShell
Don Jones @concentrateddon

2 What We’ll Cover Key Active Directory Management Tasks
Core PowerShell Patterns and Practices Use these same patterns with almost any command from almost any technology Pipeline Parameter Binding Parenthetical Expressions Property Value Expansion

3 A Quick Note This session will primarily use demonstrations
I will capture a transcript of my shell activity Will be available from (“Downloads”) by next week

4 Ways to Manage Active Directory
Microsoft ActiveDirectory Module Supplied with Windows Server 2008 R2 Available in RSAT for Windows 7 Cannot run on other versions of Windows Talks to 2008R2 domains natively domain controllers require free Management Gateway RTW Quest Active Directory Snap-In Talks to domain controllers natively Also talks to ADAM/ADLDS Runs on any version of Windows Better support for schema extensions Essentially the same use patterns Free!

5 Download Locations Windows 7 RSAT:
AD Management Gateway: Quest AD cmdlets:

6 The AD: Drive Provides a persisted security context
Mapped to your logon domain Switch to this drive and run New-PSDrive to map additional domains MS AD cmdlets “inherit” the credentials of the current drive Can also use the –credential parameter to provide a credential Map drives in your profile to have them always available

7 Let the Demos Begin Enough slides… on to the product!
Please raise questions as we go!

8 Pipeline Parameter Binding
Creating New AD Users Pipelining and –passThru (Re)Setting Passwords

9 Creating a profile script
Getting computer names: Three Ways Exploring the MS AD Cmdlets Exploring the Quest AD Cmdlets Querying Properties of AD Objects

10 Final Chance for Q&A Additional Resources:
@concentrateddon concentrateddon See me for add’l resources Recorded PowerShell workshops Demo videos Etc.

11 Stay up to date with TechNet Belux
Register for our newsletters and stay up to date: Technical updates Event announcements and registration Top downloads Join us on Facebook LinkedIn: Download MSDN/TechNet Desktop Gadget Please keep this slide

12 TechDays On-Demand Watch this session on-demand via TechNet Edge Download to your favorite MP3 or video player Get access to slides and recommended resources by the speakers


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