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Mars By: Michaela Cephas.

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Presentation on theme: "Mars By: Michaela Cephas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mars By: Michaela Cephas

2 Mars? Where does a name like Mars come from? It sounds like some
kind of candy! It comes from the Roman God of war!!! (that’s the Roman God to your……right

3 Where is Mars? In Mexico? Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun!!! (in outer space) It orbits 227,940,000 km from the Sun. Mars' orbit is significantly elliptical

4 Discovery There is no single person who is credited with the discovery of Mars. Mars is one of the five planets that can be seen in the night sky without using a telescope or binoculars.

5 What does Mars look like? A giant marshmallow?
Mars looks like a big reddish orange and rocky planet with no rings. Mars’s core is made of iron, nickel, and sulfur.

6 Rotation/Orbit A day on Mars is 24 hours 37min.

7 Size The mass of Mars is 10% of Earth’s. Mars’s diameter is
4,222 miles.

8 How fat are you on Mars? If you weighed 70 pounds on the Earth, you would weigh about 27 pounds on Mars.

9 Orbit It takes Mars days to orbit the Sun. That’s a long time!!!!

10 Atmosphere Mars has a thin atmosphere close to Earth’s atmosphere
It is made of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.

11 Temperature Minimum temperature is -123*C(-190*F)
Maximum temperature is 36*C(98*F)

12 Moons Mars has two moons Deimos and Phobos.

13 Life on Mars Scientist believe once in Mars’s history Mars harbored life. It would be to cold in the winter for humans to survive.

14 Something awesome-ish cool-ish
Mars has the largest volcanoes in the solar system. Mars might once have harbored life.

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