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Nazi Policies towards the Church

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1 Nazi Policies towards the Church
Learning Objectives: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. Christianity was ‘the unshakeable foundation of the moral life of our people’ Hitler – Speech at the Reichstag 1933

2 Starter: Fill in the bubbles!
LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. Starter: Fill in the bubbles!

3 What is the significance of this poem?
LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. What is the significance of this poem? 'First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist, so I said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a Social Democrat, so I did nothing. Then came the trade unionists, but I was not a trade unionist. And then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew, so I did little. Then when they came for me, there was no one left to stand up for me.‘ Pastor Martin Niemoller

4 Should the Nazis destroy the churches?
LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. Should the Nazis destroy the churches? Destroy them! In 1933 nearly all Germans were Christians – 1/3 Roman Catholic and 2/3 were Protestants. Protestant church had more members than the Nazi Party. Religious beliefs are powerful – people who believed in God might be less likely to believe in Hitler. Church taught very clear rules of behaviour and attitude – what if this conflicted with Nazi ideas. Use them! Many Church members voted for Hitler – Protestant church pastors were among the most successful Nazi election speakers. Common ground – importance of family – Church supported emphasis on Military – marched into Rhineland in 1936. Church was the local power base of the Nazis – build on this and they could be stronger still

5 LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. Concordat – June 1933 Concordat – Agreement/Understanding between Catholic Church not to interfere with each other. Hitler to allow religious work to continue. Catholics to not involve themselves with politics.

6 LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. What changes were made? In 1933 the Reich Church (Nazi) was set up to unite all Protestant Churches. Prayers were said which included thanks to God for sending Hitler to Germany – with Hitler seen as a saviour Hitler Youth songs included lines such as: “Germany had all it needed in Hitler – it did not need Christianity” “The swastika was better than the cross” Festivals were held to celebrate the German Bronze age past – a PAGAN past Many non-Christian sects grew up – The German Faith Movement All pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic Most were pagan, worshipping the sun and the seasons Nazi ceremonies to replace Christian weddings, baptisms and funerals.

7 Did the Nazis succeed in controlling the churches?
LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. Did the Nazis succeed in controlling the churches? After 1935, once the Nazis felt they had more control over Germany, the policies to control the church became bolder. Policy was chaotic – Nazis improvised, changed their minds, and bowed to public pressure. Local leaders were responsible for setting the policy – some sent SA men to murder priests while others went to church every Sunday and sang in the choir! Success therefore varied from place to place 1939 census results: 1, 944, 000 Roman Catholics 42,636,000 Protestants 1,208,000 Without Belief 2,746,000 Neo-pagan What do the figures above tell us?

8 LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. What changes were made? Using what you have heard and your text books pg complete the timeline

9 Opposition from the Church
LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. Opposition from the Church In pairs using page 96 & 97 create a fact file on the below opposition faith leaders & groups MARTIN NIEMOLLER PAUL SCHNEIDER CRADINAL GREEN JOSEF FATH THE JOHOVAH WITNESSES Must include: Name Religion What did they oppose? How were they dealt with?

LO: To understand and explain the problems Hitler had with the Church and how he tried to control it. Fact of Myth? The Concordat was signed with the Pope Hitler agreed to leave the Churches alone WIPEOUT Hitler set up the Confessional Church Some Church members spoke out against Hitler Christmas carols and nativity plays were banned from schools Martin Niemoller was a leading Nazi Swastikas were hung from altars WIPEOUT The Reich Church was set up by the Nazis Select as many correct parables as you can without hitting a wipeout! The Nazi ‘Faith Movement’ worshipped the sun WIPEOUT Not many people went to Church The Church was often the local power base for Nazis WIPEOUT Jehovah’s Witnesses were left alone by Nazis

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